Fedaiisf.Deed of incorporation.notary
Federation of Italian Associations of Scientific Representatives of Drugs and Parapharmaceuticals
Article 1 – Constitution
1. The Federation of Italian Associations of Scientific Representatives of Drugs and Parapharmaceuticals, in brief
FEDAIISF is a sector and professional association made up of national and territorial associations and the territorial coordinations of drug sales representatives as defined by the laws of the Italian state.
2. "Associations and Territorial Coordinations" means all the autonomous Organizations present in the territory and adhering to Fedaiisf, regardless of their denomination.
3. The Federation is non-partisan, non-union and non-profit. The duration of the Association is indefinite.
4. The Federation has its representative office in Rome.
5. The Federation adopts the logo by resolution of the National Council;
6. The Federation can in turn federate with other national and international organizations, without prejudice to the institutional purposes of the Association itself. The Federation can enter into pacts
associative with Organizations representing highly professional figures in the world of subordinate or para-subordinate work in the para-health field provided that they pursue purposes that comply with federal purposes.
Article 2 – Purpose
1. Promote the cohesion of the category of pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical sales representatives for
allow a univocal and homogeneous vision of their profession and motivate and defend i
principles dictated by the Code of Conduct. It directs and coordinates the activities of the Associations and/or
of the adhering Coordinations, in order to achieve the federal association goals.
2. Promote the cultural and professional training of drug and parapharmaceutical sales reps.
3. Stipulate memoranda of understanding with trade associations, trade unions and partner structures -
healthcare, with a view to solving professional problems.
4. Update the category of all the news in the legislative, trade union, health, per
carry out their profession fully and consciously.
5. Compare with the national institutions so that the information is aimed at the interest
of the community and to the complete affirmation of the role of the Scientific Informant. For that purpose
protects and represents Pharmaceutical Representatives in the interest of members and
citizens users of the skills that membership in a Professional Association of
itself certifies.
6. Collaborate with the competent local, national and international Authorities and bodies,
contributing to the study and implementation of the provisions concerning the activity of
scientific information of the drug and supporting all those initiatives of a nature
culture that contribute to strengthening the professionalism of the category.
7. Confront with the political and social parties for the most correct definition and for the most complete affirmation of the role of the drug scientific representative.
Article 3 – Relations between Fedaiisf and member Organizations
1. Fedaiisf is made up of the national and territorial Organizations indicated in art. 1, paragraph 1 and 2
2. They pursue the purposes of this Statute and are, therefore, the federated subjects.
2. The associative position cannot be negotiated, nor is it transferable to third parties a
any title, even in the event of dissolution or extinction for any reason
of the member organization and total or partial transfer of its assets or rights e
obligations to third parties.
3. The competence of the sections of the National Associations and of the Territorial Associations or of the
Territorial coordination usually coincides with that of the relative province, except in cases in which several territorial Organizations adhering to Fedaiisf are already established within the same sphere
province. Several territorial Organizations can merge within the same province or the same region.
4. The National Council identifies suitable solutions to encourage forms of aggregation between
Territorial Associations and/or Coordinations in order to provide members with more adequate services and at lower costs.
5. National and territorial federated Associations with more than 20 members have autonomous Statutes or Regulations which regulate their activity and organization. In these norms a president, a vice president, a treasurer and a secretary must always be identifiable.
Territorial Coordinations that have fewer than 20 members are represented by a Coordinator. In the absence of federated Organizations in a certain area, the Executive can appoint a
Contact person who represents Fedaiisf and is a point of reference of the same Fedaiisf for the ISF
in its area of competence.
6. The federated organizations represent interests within the sphere of federal directives
specific members of the relevant territories, before employers, institutional, political and administrative organizations. In the case of several organizations in the same territory, such as in the Regions, the same
Organizations will elect a Coordination.
7. The Regional Coordinations are structured, at the minimum of apparatuses and organizational fulfilments, in relation to local situations.
8. The Regional Coordinations are governed by Councils representing all the Associations and all the territorial Coordinations present in the region. Any further internal organization of the Regional Council can be regulated by a regional regulation approved by the same Council on proposal of the Coordination. A copy of the minutes of the meetings of the Regional Councils must be sent to Fedaiisf.
9. In Regions where there is only one Association or Coordination, the same will have to
also perform the task of Regional Coordination.
10. The Regional Coordination represents, within the context of federal directives, the interests
specific members of the relevant Regions, before employer, institutional, political and administrative organisations.
Article 4 – New member Associations
1. The Associations and Coordinations that did not participate in the establishment of Fedaiisf
can ask to be part of it with a direct request to the Presidency of Fedaiisf, accompanying it,
for the opinion of conformity (Art. 16.5), with the relative Statute and with any regulations,
as well as with the lists of members and members of the governing bodies.
2. Applications for membership of new Associations and new Coordinations in Fedaiisf are
reviewed by the Executive.
3. Applications are examined in the first meeting of the Executive, if received by the Federation at least 15 days before; failing that, in the immediately following meeting.
4. They are constituent Associations Aiisf and Arisf.
Article 5 – Membership of the Association
1. The participation in Fedaiisf of the territorial and national Organizations indicated in the art. 1,
paragraph 1, is exclusive and entails the obligation to accept and comply with this Statute and the related regulations, as well as the resolutions of the competent federal bodies.
2. Applications for membership of new Associations and new Coordinations in Fedaiisf are
reviewed by the Executive. Furthermore, the registration of professionals who operate in homogeneous sectors of activity is permitted, without prejudice to the institutional aims of Fedaiisf.
3. Applications for admission are examined in the first meeting of the Executive, if received
to the Federation at least 15 days before; failing that, in the immediately following meeting.
Article 6 – Members
1. Under the conditions established by this Statute, all members of the "Category of ISF" can join the individual Associations and/or individual Coordinations, even if their subordinate or para-subordinate employment relationship has ceased.
2. Enrollment is allowed to those who, although no longer an ISF but already previously enrolled, have found a job in a homogeneous sector of activity.
3. It is a reason for non-registration with the Associations and/or Coordinations to carry out activities contrary to the purposes of Fedaiisf, or to the decisions adopted by the Bodies of the same.
4. The ISF can join the Association and/or the Territorial Coordination in which ambit
geographical area carry out their professional activity. In the case of activities in several provinces, the ISF must register in the province of residence. If there is no Organization in the province
of residence or in the nearby one, the ISF will be able to enroll at national level according to the modalities established by the Executive. Already retired people can maintain their membership in the Territorial Association
previously enrolled, seamlessly, as ISF in service, for a maximum of
five years. They will be able to enjoy all the prerogatives provided for by this Statute except
hold monocratic executive positions. Instead, they can hold the position of President of the
Arbiters. If the retiree reaches the fifth year of retirement while holding a federal office, he can terminate his mandate. After the fifth year, he can join the Group
Pensioners (Art. 31.2)
5. Those who continue an employment relationship, even if they are pensioners, are considered active FSIs to all intents and purposes.
Article 7 – Membership fees
1. The annual membership fee, which each federated organization must apply to
its members, is unitary and is established by the Federal Congress during the approval of the annual budget.
2. Fedaiisf may ask for any extraordinary contributions and other financial interventions for exceptional situations or needs, as well as for particular initiatives that the same Fedaiisf deems necessary
undertake. This eventuality must be approved by at least ⅔ of the members of the National Council and ratified, by majority vote, by the Federal Congress. If necessary, severity and
urgency, the Executive takes over the decisions of the National Council or the
Congress, subject to their subsequent ratification (art. 16.9). .
3. The federated Organizations can ask their members (in their total favour) for one
increase of the annual membership fee, specifying the particular needs that it requires
request and notifying Fedaiisf. .
4. The federated organizations cannot apply a membership fee to their members
lower than that determined by the Federal National Congress. .
5. The Federal Congress, on the proposal of the Treasurer, approves the portion of the annual fee
membership fee of the member that each federated organization is required to pay
to Fedaiisf, as well as the payment methods. 6. Membership is determined on the basis of members enrolled as at 31 December, for whom membership fees have been fully paid to Fedaiisf.
Article 8 – Termination and Withdrawal from Fedaiisf
1. The following constitute grounds for termination of participation in Fedaiisf:
a) the dissolution of the member federated Organization;
b) voluntary withdrawal, to be carried out with six months' notice by the party
of the adhering Organization which, however, remains obliged to pay the contributions for the year in
c) the resolution, in this sense, of the National Congress with the favorable vote of 2/3 of its members
d) radiation.
2. Likewise, the associative position is extinguished in case of merger or incorporation
of the adhering Organization in other structures, even partial demerger of the same, of
total or partial contribution of its assets and liabilities, transformation of its structure
juridical and in any further phenomenon in which a substantial modification can be recognized
subjective opinion of the adhering Organization.
3. Member Organizations which, for whatever reason, cease to belong to Fedaiisf,
they lose all rights to the federal assets.
Article 9 – Organization
1. The Bodies of Fedaiisf are:
a) the National Congress;
b) the National Council;
c) The Executive;
d) the President;
e) the Deputy Chairman;
f ) the Treasurer;
g) the Secretary;
h) the Head of Relations with the Federated Organizations;
i) the National Board of Arbitrators;
2. When a provision of this Statute or of the Federal Regulations uses the expression “offices
federal bodies”, it must be understood as referring exclusively to the bodies indicated above.
Article 10 – Commissions
1. The Federation may set up Commissions or other consultative Bodies for a specific sector
according to the methods established by art. 16.7.a.
2. The aforementioned Commission and the Bodies referred to in the previous paragraph may participate,
as experts, without the right to vote, including external consultants.
Article 11 – Congress
1. The Congress, ordinary or extraordinary, is chaired by the President or, in his absence or
impediment, by the Vice President. Before the start of the works, on the proposal of the President, the
Congress will appoint a Secretary and one or more Deputy Secretaries in charge of verifying credentials,
of the registration of participants and the drafting of the minutes and 3 or more scrutineers if the Congress is
elective. The ordinary Congress must be held annually, within the first six months
of the year.
2. The convocation of the Congress, to be made at least 30 days before the established date, is
jurisdiction of the Federal President and, in the event of his absence or impediment, by the Deputy
President. The extraordinary National Congress can be convened by the Executive for
the election of the President and the Vice President in case of resignation or revocation of the President with
simultaneous forfeiture of the Vice President. The convocation of the extraordinary Congress can also be requested by at least 1/4 of the members of the National Council, or by at least
1/5 of the Associations and/or Coordinations which, overall, represent at least the 30%
of subscribers. The Congress must be convened within 30 days of receipt of the request e
it will take place in the manner prescribed for the ordinary Congress.
3. Every three years elects the President together with the Vice President and, every year, on the proposal of the
President, approves the program (Art. 17.6), integrated with the approved congressional proposals.
The President and the Vice President should preferably not belong to the same
Federated organization. Delegates can express a maximum of two preferences
4. Every three years, with a separate ballot, it elects three members of the Executive. Among them, at its premiere
meeting, the Federal President will appoint a Secretary, a Treasurer and a Head of
relations with the federated organizations. Delegates can express a maximum of three preferences.
5. Every three years elects, with a separate ballot, three effective members of the National College of
Arbitrators and two alternates. The three with the most votes are elected effective members, the two who follow them,
alternates. If the three most voted come from the same federated Organization, the member who
has received fewer votes will have to leave the post of effective to the first of the non-elected of the other
Organization. At its first meeting, to be held after the announcement of those elected, i
effective members of the College will elect a President and a secretary. Delegates can
express up to three preferences
6. Determines the general national policy lines and strategic objectives of Fedaiisf.
7. Approves, with a qualified majority of two thirds of the voters, the proposed changes
statutory provisions approved by the National Council. .
8. Deliberates, with the qualified majority of 2/3 of the voters, the possible liquidation or
dissolution of Fedaiisf, ordering the destination of the assets and the appointment of the
liquidator (Art. 29.4).
9. Debates and approves the final balance and estimate presented by the Treasurer. On proposal
of the same Treasurer will approve the annual membership fee and its distribution as well as
any extraordinary contributions. Approves the membership fee for Group members
Pensioners who will be established in a reduced amount on the proposal of the Treasurer after hearing the
Group Coordinator (art. 32.3). On the proposal of the Executive, it also establishes a reduced quota
for those who are in mobility, in CIG or are in a state of unemployment and the relative modalities
and conditions. .
10. Congressional resolutions are valid with the majority of voters, unless otherwise provided.
11. Decides on the radiation measures proposed by the National Board of Arbitrators. For the
validity of the resolution to cancel a federated Organization the favorable vote of is required
at least two thirds of the members of the National Congress, excluding from the quorum and the vote, i
councilors belonging to the adhering Organization whose expulsion is under discussion. For individuals
members will be valid a simple majority.
Article 12 – Component Congress
1. The National Congress is made up of the President, the Vice President and the members
the Executive, by the Members of the Arbitrators, by the Pensioners Group, all without the right to vote, come on
Delegates elected by the members of the Associations and/or by the Coordinators of the Territorial Coordinations
within the respective federated Organizations and by the Territorial Representatives without the right to vote.
2. For the federated National Associations it will be present, in addition to its own president without the right to
vote, one delegate for each Provincial Section of the same Association. For Associations
territorial a delegate will be present. Their Coordinators will be present for the Coordinations.
3. Unless otherwise specified by the Statute, each of the Delegates will have as many votes as there are
members of the Provincial Section of their own national Association, or members of their own
Territorial association or coordination.
4. Membership consistency is determined on the basis of members as of 31 December, for whom
the membership fees to Fedaiisf have been fully paid (Art. 7.6). On the downside, the texture
membership will be reduced in proportion to the size of the omitted share compared to its amount
annual. 5. The mandate of the Delegates begins with the first Ordinary or Extraordinary Congress of the year, and extends to each subsequent Congress held before the Ordinary of the year
following. Delegates can be elected for 3 consecutive terms.
6. The names of the delegates, indicated by each federated Organization, must be sent to
Fedaiisf at least in the first 60 days of the year. In the absence of communication, they are intended as Delegate
the Presidents of the Provincial sections of the national Associations, the Presidents of the Associations
territorial and Territorial Coordinators.
7. In case of impediment of the delegate, a delegate will participate in the congress meeting
substitute appointed at the same time as the Delegate. For the Presidents, the relative will be alternate
Vice president.
Article 13 – National Council
1. The National Council is made up of the members of the Federal Executive (President, Deputy
President, Secretary, Treasurer and Head of Relations with the federated Organizations), such as
members by right. The Presidents of those Associations are also part of the National Council,
national or territorial federated, who do not have any member of their own among the Members of the Executive.
They can be replaced by the respective Vice-Presidents in case of absence or impediment. If already all
the federated components are represented in the Executive. The National Council will be integrated by
three directors elected by Congress.
Article 14 - National Council - tasks
1. The National Council is the body responsible for implementing the guidelines of federal policy and the
resolutions passed by Congress through the approval of the program.
2. The Board:
a) may request the convening of the extraordinary Congress if at least a request is made
1/4 of the members of the National Council itself (art. 11.2)
b) approves the program of activities for the achievement of the lines and objectives established
in the program and verifies its implementation every six months;
c) determines the lines of federal policy and the strategic objectives that are imposed as new ones
situations between one Congress and another;
d) proposes to the Congress the adhesion of Fedaiisf to the other national Organizations e
international pursuant to art. 1.6;
e) approves the Internal Regulations on the proposal of the Executive;
f) submits to Congress for approval:
(1) – statutory changes;
(2) – the eventual dissolution and liquidation of Fedaiisf;
3. Elects the Federal Vice President, on the proposal of the President, in the event of resignation or revocation of the
only Vice President. The election of the Vice President must meet the criteria expressed in article 11.2.
4. Approves, on proposal of the Executive, the ethical or deontological code and any related ones
modifications and additions;
5. Ratifies the decisions taken by the Executive taken in particular cases of need. Gravity and urgency
(Art.7.2 last sentence, art.16:9)
Article 15 - National Council - convocation
1. The National Council normally meets at least twice a year or when the President so
at least 1/4 of the members of the Board deem it appropriate or request it.
2. In the latter case, the meetings of the National Council must be convened within a
minimum of 15 days and a maximum of 30 days from the request.
3. In any case, the National Council must be convened no later than 45 days from
day on which the ordinary or extraordinary National Congress ended.
4. The National Council is convened by the President by letter, fax or e-mail, with confirmation
reading, with at least 15 days' notice of the date set for the meeting;
the agenda, place, date and time established for the meeting on first and second call must be indicated in the notice of call. The meeting can also take place in
conference call.
Article 16 – National Executive
1. The national Executive is composed of the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, the
Treasurer and the Head of Relations with the federated Organizations. It must be summoned
at least 4 times a year with the same modalities expressed by the art. 15.4. The meeting of the Executive
national can be contextual to the National Council. At his first meeting the President
will appoint a Secretary, a Treasurer and a Head of Relations with the Organizations
2. a) It implements the resolutions and programs of the Congress and the National Council;
deciding how to implement them;
b) in line with the congressional resolutions, decides on initiatives for intervention and
behavior towards institutions, political and social forces and towards opinion
3. decides on the guidelines for economic management;
4. approves the budget and final balance proposals prepared by the Treasurer and the
President's report on the program (attached to the estimate) and on the activities carried out (attached to
final balance), to be presented to the Federal Congress for subsequent approval by the
Congress itself;
5. resolves on the acceptance of applications for membership of the Fedaiisf of new Associations and/or
Coordinations after acquiring the binding opinion of the Board of Arbitrators on consistency
statute and/or applicants' regulations with the federal statute;
6. approves and amends the Regulations for conducting congress debates;
7. a) may set up working groups or commissions for specific and temporary problems
and appoints its members, with the right to revoke; among them, as experts, they can be
also appointed external consultants (Article 10, Article 27.2);
b) for a better performance of the activities of competence, the National Executive, su
proposed by the Presidency, can assign to its own members or to another member proxies for the
coordination and supervision of specific activities or initiatives not expressly reserved for
competence of other Bodies and/or Commissions;
8. a) proposes the Code of Ethics and any amendments thereto to the National Council and/or
b) proposes to the National Council the Internal Regulations and any amendments thereto and/or
9. substitutes, in case of necessity and urgency, the decisions of competence of the National Council,
subject to the subsequent ratification of the latter;
10. assumes any other resolution not expressly reserved to other Fedaiisf bodies;
11. proposes interventions by the Federation to the National Council in support of the Associations in
crisis and unable to pursue the associative purposes;
12. the Executive automatically lapses, and at the same time convenes the National Congress
extraordinary, in case of resignation or forfeiture for any reason of the President and in the case of
resignation, forfeiture or revocation of at least 3 of the members of the Executive Board;
13. during the three-year term of the mandate, the members of the Executive Committee cannot
be elected, appointed, designated to other federal offices or positions.
Article 17 – The Federal President
1. The Federal President is elected by Congress every 3 years (Art. 11.3). For the first two terms, even if not consecutive, he can be elected with the majority of the voters. For any subsequent mandates, even if not consecutive, a qualified majority of 2/3 of the voters present at the Congress will be required. If the quorum of 2/3 is not reached, a new vote will be held with the exclusion of the outgoing President who has not reached the qualified majority of 2/3.
2. The President is the legal representative of the Federation and signs its deeds. It expresses and represents the image of the Federation according to the principles that it has set for itself.
It is also responsible, together with the National Executive, towards the members, for the general functioning of the Federation. He has the legal representation of Fedeaiisf before third parties and in court, with the power to appoint, having heard the opinion of the National Executive, lawyers and attorneys for litigation;
3. a) Having consulted the National Executive, summons and presides over the same National Executive, the
Congress and the National Council;
b) Having consulted the national executive, it prepares the agenda for the meetings of the said collegiate bodies;
4. has the right to attend, on its own or through its delegate, the Assemblies of the member Associations and/or territorial or regional Coordinations;
5. is responsible, together with the Treasurer, for the economic and financial policy of the Fedaiisf;
6. report to the Congress on the management of the past year. It is a binding and mandatory relationship. Having heard the opinion of the National Executive, he proposed the program for the following year to Congress. It is a binding and mandatory relationship. (Article 11.3).
7. The President shall enable the Vice President to fulfill his vicarious functions at any time.
8. The Federal President appoints the Editorial Director of the official website of which he is the Responsible Director and the Director of the Fedaiisf Study Centre. Retirees, non-members, or external members, including non-ISF members, may also be appointed to the position of Editorial Director and Director of the Study Centre. These offices expire at the same time as the National Executive and can be revoked at any time by the same National Executive. The Editorial Director of the site and the Director of the Study Center are part of the National Executive with consultative functions.
Article 18 – The Vice President
1. The Vice President assists the President and, for this purpose, may receive mandates from the latter
delegations to follow specific issues or subjects. .
2. The Vice President replaces the President in the event of the latter's absence or impediment.
3. In the event of resignation or revocation of the Vice President, it is up to the President to indicate the new Vice
President and submit his candidacy for election to the National Council according to the procedures
expressed by the art. 14.3; .
4. The Vice President will have to keep in constant contact with the President regarding the activity of
Article 19 – The Treasurer
1. The Treasurer provides for the economic and financial management of Fedaiisf, in compliance with the
resolutions of the Congress, the National Council and the National Executive, adopted at the headquarters
approval of the budget and final balance. .
2. Individually or jointly with the President of Fedaiisf, in the manner and within the limits established by
appropriate resolution of the National Executive, authorizes the expenses and receipts and authorizes the deeds that
involve the assumption of commitments of a financial nature or management of the financial resources of
3. For each calendar year, compile the balance sheet or final balance sheet for the past year and
presents to the President and to the National Executive for subsequent approval by the
competent federal bodies. .
4. The Financial Statements, with the related attachments, must be filed with the Fedaiisf Secretariat during the
thirty days prior to the meeting of the National Congress convened to approve them and,
at the same time, they must be sent to the member federated organisations.
5. He is responsible for the membership and for the collection of the relevant federal dues from
Federated organizations. At the same time as the membership fees, the federated organizations
they will have to provide the list of members up to date with payments. The treasurer will certify the
associative strength on the basis of members as of 31 December, for which they are entirely
membership fees paid to Fedaiisf. The treasurer is then required to notify the Secretary
Federal such lists. The Treasurer is also responsible for registering members of the
Pensioners Group (art. 32) in the same way as any other member. Group list
pensioners must be communicated to the Federal Secretariat and to the Coordinator of the group;
6. The federated organizations are required to communicate their own by the end of March
balance sheet and its annual report.
Article 20 – The Secretary
1. He is the organizational manager;
2. He is the Press and External Relations Manager; 3. He is responsible for drafting the minutes of the meetings of the federal bodies; except for the
minutes of the congresses, all the others must be sent to the members of the specific Assemblies
within 15 days of the meeting. Within the following 15 days each individual component must
express its opinion and send it to the Secretary. In the absence of indications from the
member, the minutes will be deemed approved by him.
4. Prepares the technical reports for which it is responsible and expresses an opinion on the regularity
procedure for the deliberations of the federal decision-making bodies.
5. Must keep the list of members received from the Treasurer;
6. Transmits the press releases and resolutions of the Assemblies of which it belongs to the Federated Organizations
7. Holds and safeguards the historical archive and company books.
Article 21 – Responsible for relations with member organisations.
“It maintains relations with the federated organizations, receives their requests and participates in them
the Executive."
Article 22 – National Board of Arbitrators.
1. a) The Arbitrators are the disciplinary body of the Association.
b) The decisions of the College are final and cannot be appealed.
2. They consist of 3 members plus 2 substitutes who take over in case of resignation or
termination of an effective member. They remain in office for three years and can be re-elected (art. 11.5,
3. As soon as they have been declared elected, they meet and elect a responsible President from among them
of the convocations and a Secretary responsible for compiling the minutes, of the convocations
of suspects and witnesses, communications and notifications of sentences, including the
communication to the parties of the Board's provisions;
4. a) In the event of termination, for any reason, of any member of the Collegio,
supplemented by the first of the non-elected. When, by carrying out the integrations, it is not possible to reconstitute the
majority of the members, the Board lapses and is totally re-elected at the first Assembly
b) In the event of termination of the President from office, earlier than normal
statutory deadline, the new President will be elected, within the College, by the effective members of
the latter, supplemented by the first of the alternates, specially summoned by the most effective member
elder in age.
5. The President of the National Board of Arbitrators or another member of the Board delegated by him,
he has the right to attend, without the right to vote, the meetings of the national Executive and of the Council
National. The College can attend the meetings of the Congress with all its members.
6. Regular members participate in meetings and all other institutional activities of the Board, who,
in case of their impediment, they are replaced by substitute members, according to the determined order
from the ranking of the elections of the same College.
7. Appeals relating to any controversy to be referred to the National Board of Arbitrators must
reach the Panel no later than 60 days from knowledge of the facts which are the subject of the appeals or from
date of any first instance decision, under penalty of forfeiture.
8. The Board, except in cases of particular commitment, for which it can order an extension, must
decide within 90 days of receiving the appeal and communicate the ruling to the entire Structure
Federal, subject to appropriate privacy precautions.
Article 23 – Federal Discipline
1. Il Collegio Nazionale dei Probiviri ha le seguenti funzioni: a) convocare qualunque Assemblea, qualora chi ne ha l’obbligo statutario non vi abbia ottemperato.
b) regulates conflicts of jurisdiction, representation and any other controversy that arises
between federal bodies;
c) (1) - settles disputes relating to the membership discipline of the Organizations
members of Fedaiisf as well as, in the second instance, of the individual members;
(2) – Each individual member is judged in the first instance according to the disciplinary rules
of the federated Organization;
d) decides on the statutory legitimacy of the decisions and resolutions passed by the Bodies
e) provides authentic interpretations of the Statute and supervises their observance, giving
communication to the Board of the ascertained non-conformities;
f) verifies the compliance of the statutes of the member Associations, with respect to the rules of the
Federal statute, according to the provisions of art. 16.5, reporting the results of the verification to
federal presidency;
g) The decisions of the College are definitive and cannot be appealed, except for expulsion.
Article 24 – Procedure
1. All the provisions of the College must be justified in writing; all notifications both gods
Arbitrators and Arbitrators, must be made by registered mail or by certified mail or e-mail
with read confirmation request; .
2. In the event that any infringement is contested against a natural person, the Arbitrators before
make a decision they must contest the charge in writing to the accused who must respond
in writing or ask to be heard personally within thirty days of notification. In case
who does not do so, the rule of silence – assent is in force. The decisions of the Board are final e
unappealable, except for the provision of radiation by Fedaiisf (Art. 11.11, art. 25.1.c, art. 25.2.d).
3. Ignorance or misinterpretation of the Statute and of all the other rules issued by the
Competent federated bodies, cannot be invoked as an apology.
Article 25 – Sanctions
1. Members who contravene the provisions of the Statute and the provisions of the Bodies
federal, depending on the seriousness of the infraction, are liable to the following penalties of nature
a) The warning.
b) Suspension from associative life for a period of not less than two months and not more
to one year.
c) The radiation to be proposed to Congress
2. The federated bodies that contravene the provisions of the Statute, depending on the seriousness
of non-compliance, they are liable to the following sanctions:
a) notice;
b) censorship;
c) declaration of revocation by the board of the federated Organization:
d) radiation to be proposed to Congress. Radiation is proposed in the event of a persistent violation
of the obligations established by this Statute
Article 26 – General principles for Assemblies, Resolutions and Voting.
1. board meetings are validly constituted when more than half of the members are present
members on first call and with at least one third of the members on second call
summons; the Federal Congress is valid in second convocation with any number of
participants 2. The convening of a collegial body is made by its President (or by another
Statute: art. 11.1, art. 15.4, art. 16.1) which sends the notice to those who are entitled to it, at least 15
days before the meeting, 30 days for the Congress; in the notice of call must
the agenda, place, date and time established for the first and second meeting must be indicated
3. The minutes of all meetings must be approved by the Body itself within 15 days of
meeting (Art. 20.3). Any member can ask to view it.
4. resolutions and motions are validly adopted with at least half plus one of the valid votes
expressed by those present, except for the exceptions provided for by this Statute. In the event of a tie, the
vote of the chairman.
5. Voting on resolutions and motions takes place by show of hands in the Executive Committee
and in the National Council and according to the modalities expressed by the art. 12.2 in the National Congress.
6. only members who have regularly paid the membership fees can apply;
the determination of the "quorum" of members, established to express the delegates to the Congress and i
members of the National Council, only members in good standing with the payment can compete
membership fees (art. 7.6);
7. The members of the federal bodies must guarantee the necessary availability to provide the
their activities, while respecting their job responsibilities, in the primary interest of the
8. The members of the National Council are declared forfeited or revoked for the current mandate,
if they do not attend two meetings in twelve months – three meetings for members of the Giunta
Executive – even non-consecutive. Any member of a collegiate body is declared
forfeited if not up to date with membership fees. .
9. All federal offices and assignments have a three-year term. Upon expiry, the charges
they must be renewed even if they were acquired during the three-year period.
10. Holders of federal offices can be elected for the first two terms, even non-consecutive, with the majority of voters present in Congress. For subsequent mandates, even non-consecutive, the vote of 2/3 of those entitled present at the Congress will be required, if the quorum of 2/3 is not reached, the next most voted candidates will be elected. If the mandate was acquired during the last year of the three-year period, it will be possible to apply again for two mandates without the majority of 2/3 of the voters.
Article 27 – Financial Disbursements
1. The exercise of any federal office or assignment is a service rendered to the category and therefore it is
free, except for reimbursement of expenses actually incurred.
2. The National Council, on proposal of the Executive Committee, can recognize an emolument to the
external members of a Commission or other consultative body according to the modalities
expressed by the articles 10 and 16.7.a.
Article 28 – Incompatibility
1. The office of President and Vice President of Fedaiisf is incompatible with that of President
and/or Vice President of the national federated organizations;
2. The office of member of the National Board of Arbitrators is incompatible with any other office
office in Fedaiisf or in the federated Organizations.
3. If a candidate for office in federal bodies is elected to an incompatible office o
cannot be combined with another office already held, the acquisition of the new office remains subordinate
to the simultaneous resignation due to resignation from previous incompatible or non-cumulative positions.
Article 29 – Articles of Association amendments, dissolution or liquidation.
1. The amendments to the present Statute must be proposed to the Congress with a specific resolution
of the National Council (art. 11.7). The statutory modification is approved with the favorable vote of at least 2/3 of the entitled members present at the National Congress.
2. They can also be proposed to the Presidency of the Congress, within one hour of the
opening of the Congress itself, by at least a quarter of the Delegates representing,
overall, at least 30% of the total number of subscribers; 3. Conversely, each member of Congress may present amendments to the proposals referred to in
previous two paragraphs.
4. The dissolution of Fedaiisf must be proposed to the Congress by the National Council (art.
11.8, art. 14.2.f) and approved with the favorable vote of at least two thirds of the members il
National Congress. The dissolution resolution must contemplate the election of a liquidator
with related powers. The liquidator has the obligation to devolve the assets, in a manner proportionate to the
members, to the surviving federated Organizations or, in the absence of these, to other organizations
operating in the same or similar sector, unless otherwise required by law. In
lack of these conditions, the assets will be destined to charitable works.
Article 30 – Company assets
1. Fedaiisf assets consist of:
a) from movable and immovable property, from goods for use and equipment received in ownership for any reason
permitted by law;
b) from the annual budget surpluses;
c) from any patrimonial annuities not intended to cover the annual management expenses or from
reserve funds;
2. Every year the inventory of the corporate assets must be updated by the Treasurer and transcribed in
special book to be kept with the other corporate books;
3. For the functioning of the Association, the proceeds deriving from:
a) membership and registration fees on the federal site;
b) from interest income and patrimonial annuities; .
c) from the proceeds of cultural, social, recreational and advertising initiatives;
d) from contributions from public or private entities;
e) from any other income made for any reason, subject to a resolution of acceptance by the party
of the Executive.
4. It is forbidden to distribute, even indirectly, profits or operating surpluses as well as funds, reserves or
capital, unless the destination or distribution is required by law. This norm
does not apply in case of dissolution of Fedaiisf (Art. 29.4)
Article 31 – Honorary Members
1. Honorary Members of Fedaiisf are those who, upon reaching retirement age, having
acquired exceptional merits towards the Federation, are proclaimed as such by the Congress
national, on the proposal of a federated organization or any other federal body.
2. Cards certifying the conferment of these honorary offices are understood to be issued for life,
except for justified revocation by the Congress.
3. Honorary Members are invited to the National Congress without the right to vote and at their expense.
Article 32 – Retired Members
1. The Group of Retired Members is established on a permanent basis
2. The Retired Group is made up of those who have exceeded the time limits established by art.
3. The membership fee will be established in a reduced amount by the National Congress on the proposal of the
Treasurer, having heard the Coordinator of the Pensioners' Group.
4. The income of members of the Pensioners Group will be managed by the Federal Treasurer with voice
separately in the national budget of which, in any case, it forms an integral part.
5. Members of the retired group cannot hold federal office in any capacity.
6. The group of pensioners elects a National Coordinator from among its members [on a transitional basis on
Coordinator of the Pensioners Group is appointed by the National Council]. The Coordinator of
The Group is required to keep the lists of members of the Group itself. The procedural modalities
will be established by the Group itself. 7. The National Coordinator of the Pensioners Group has the right to participate, in a consultative capacity with
right to speak but not to vote, in the National Congress. The expenses related to the participation of the
Coordinator at the Congress will be taken from the proceeds deriving from the membership fees of the
members of the group.
8. The Pensioners Group has the right to approve its own internal regulations to manage the
own business. The costs of the activities of the Pensioners Group cannot exceed the resulting income
from the membership fees of members of the Group itself.
Article 33
For anything else not provided for in this Statute, reference is made to the regulations in force on the matter and, in particular, as far as applicable, to the provisions of the Civil Code.
Changes approved on 06/15/2019
Related news: AIISF.Statute.2015
Statute of the Association of Pharmaceutical Representatives of Trentino Alto Adige
Why an ISF Association
The norms
In the Italian legal system, the association is one of the forms of aggregation governed by the law, which protects its constitutive freedom and forms of activity. The association has a personal basis and is made up of at least two people pursuing a legitimate common purpose, since assets are not an essential element.
The Italian Constitution, in article 18, recognizes the right of every single individual to associate in collective bodies with various purposes. “…citizens have the right to associate freely without authorization for purposes which are not prohibited by law“.
The Italian legal system identifies in the civil code two main categories in which to bring the associations: associations recognized as legal persons and associations not recognized as legal persons.
Associations with legal personality are those bodies endowed with perfect patrimonial autonomy. The acquisition of legal personality implies the acquisition of full autonomy of the body with respect to the associates both towards the members themselves and from outside third parties.
For unrecognized associations, these are organizations that enjoy full legal capacity today (in the past they could not acquire by donation or inheritance) but which do not have perfect patrimonial autonomy. That is to say that these are entities without legal personality, whose civil, administrative, penal and economic-financial responsibilities fall on those who have acted in the name and on behalf of the association, even if not members of it. The unrecognized association qualifies different organizational phenomena, from the most modest recreational or cultural clubs to complex and large-scale organizations with management of considerable financial means: to date two of the most important social formations, viz parties and trade unions fall into the category of unrecognized associations.
However, they are subjects of law, independent from the shareholders, endowed with assets (if any) which take the name of common fund. To remedy the paucity of regulatory provisions on the subject, the Legislator attributes the definition of the internal legal system to the "associate agreements". The unrecognized association can still register with the Revenue Agency in order to obtain administrative and tax advantages. However, registration is not necessary for the request for the tax code.
The why and the purposes.
On several occasions, we have had the opportunity to hear from colleagues the request not to renew membership of our association. Except in some cases, the reasons are not of an economic nature. The most common question is: "But what does the Association give me?”. These colleagues, failing to grasp the "immediate and operational" meaning of their membership, after a few years of associative life, give up and resign.
Let us take the cue from this to make some reflections on the individual dimension of the ISF professional and on the need to find together new ideas and new models to facilitate their professionalism.
An Association like Fedaiisf is a community of self-organized professionals (it's not a Professional Order set up by the State!) that wants to break the traditional solitude and strong individualism that often characterizes the ISF.
It helps whistleblowers who are part of the community through lifelong learning and development, social influence and representation, networking, international connection, study and constant reflection on the profession and its evolution.
Joining an association means "going beyond" the request to supply a service: first of all it means asking the question, paraphrasing jfk, "what can I do for the association and not what the Association can do for me!".
In fact, a community feeds on the relationships, information, skills, ability/reactivity to change of its members.
Not even a sports club, a sports, cultural or recreational club, a voluntary or non-profit association, whether local or international, open to all or elitist, can survive if the members do not take a personal and exclusive step, " beyond the membership fee!
Being part of a community means being able to experiment and confront each other on a daily basis, within an effective professional network/system (also of "protection", without being corporative), on one's own skills, on the new contents/tools of the profession, on one's own relational skills, on the methods of professional activity.
Solitary professionals - as FSIs often are - consider it useless and superfluous to know and intervene on the specific dynamics of the reference sector and on the macroeconomic dynamics that characterize the life of the sector and prefer to remain concentrated on their own doing, on their "customers", on their own sales.
It is a short-sighted, limited and risky vision in the medium/long term.
Doctors, but not only them, look for quality in ISF professionals and in particular:
- integrity (can we trust?);
- competence;
- reliability;
- credibility.
The reputation of individuals has repercussions on the reputation of the Association. Conversely, a good reputation of the Association – in the eyes of public opinion and not just insiders – will be a corroborant for the professional recognition of individuals.
The Association also builds a network which is a way to gain experience, to report events and opportunities, to create opportunities for reflection and debate on the hot topics of the profession, to collaborate, to develop shared strategies to achieve the constitutive objectives.
Professional register
The regulated profession is an activity that can be exercised by people in possession of certain requirements and registered in a professional order (Decree 7 August 2012, n. 137).
According to the Law n. 4 of 14.01.2013, those who exercise unregulated professions have the right to form associations without the obligation to register in a register.
Membership in the register is compulsory for those professions which are in direct contact with the safety and health of citizens.
From a legal point of view there is no absolute prohibition of simultaneous registration in several professional registers.
Also from reading the recent provision for the reform of professional orders (Presidential Decree 137 of 2012), what emerges is a principle of free access.
However, the individual orders have the function of regulating any professional incompatibilities.
In Italy there are 27 professional registers with around 2,300,000 members
Federation of Italian Associations of Pharmaceutical Representatives
FEDAIISF Internal Regulations
Art. 1- Union position means that Fedaiisf does not deal directly with union problems, but debates and identifies them and then submits them to the trade unions. of category.
By non-partisan it is meant that it does not enter into the logic of the party present in Italy nor does it promote its membership. However, Fedaiisf carries out its own policy aimed at pursuing its institutional goals and the programmatic lines established by the Congress and the National Council.
Art. 2- It is prohibited for anyone to use the federal name, logo, services and structures for purposes other than those of the association. The initiatives of individual members in the name and on behalf of Fedaiisf must be previously authorized by the EN.
A federation like Fedaiisf is a community of self-organized professionals (it is not a Professional Order constituted by the State) that wants to break the traditional loneliness and strong individualism that often characterizes the Scientific Representative. Being part of Fedaiisf means setting up a community where you can experiment and compare yourself on a daily basis, within an effective professional network/system (also "protective", without being corporative), on your own skills, on the new contents/tools of the profession, on one's own relational skills, on the methods of professional activity.
Art. 3- The federated organizations represent, within the sphere of the federal directives, the specific interests of the members in the relative territories, before employers', institutional, political and administrative organisations. The organizations federated on the same regional territory constitute the regional council representing all the provincial sections present in the region. The Regional Council will elect a Regional Coordinator and a secretary and, at its discretion, a possible Coordinator to support the Coordinator. The expenses of the Coordinator inherent in his function and any expenses for the management of coordination are borne by the federal treasury. In the meetings of the Regional Council and of the coordination, the secretary will have the task of drawing up the minutes. The report must be sent for information to the National Executive and to the Federal Board of Arbitrators for legitimacy control. The members of the coordination may also not be part of the provincial directives or coordinations. For the organization and structure of the Regional Councils and Coordinations, see art. 3 of the Statute at points 7, 8, 9, 10.
The regional Coordinator elected must be approved by the National Executive, as regional representative of Fedaiisf. The National Executive is the supervisory body of the regional coordination. By federated Organizations we mean the federated Associations as a whole, central and peripheral (where existing).
Art. 4- The Associations that request to be part of the federation must apply to the Federal National Executive and must harmonize their statute by coordinating it with the Fedaiisf Statute. The EN can avail itself of an opinion of a lawyer for the statute presented by an applicant and for the relative registration according to the law. In the event of provisions present both in the federal Statute and in the Statute of the associates, the latter must be considered inactivated.
The federated Associations must have conduct that complies with the spirit of the Federation and with the obligations deriving from membership (organizations of local activities, participation in the activities of the Federation, communications and information relevant to the Federation or to the other federated Associations).
The individual Associations must submit to the Secretariat of the Federation by 31 March the names of the members of the Board of Directors, the complete list of the names of the members, a copy of their budget and the minutes of the annual meeting in which the same is approved.
The federated associations must send a report on their activities at least once a year, by 31 December.
The federated Associations are an integral part of the Federation and will always present themselves externally as being part of it.
Art. 5- The registration of professionals who operate in homogeneous sectors of activity is allowed, without prejudice to the institutional purposes of Fedaiisf (for example figures who have contacts with doctors: representatives of parapharmaceuticals, supplements, nutraceuticals, dermocosmetics, milks, devices, KAM, AM, MSL, RAM, etc. etc.). It will be the task of the Sectional Executive of the federated Association to decide whether or not to accept the registration.
Art. 6- Scientific Representatives must join the Association and/or Territorial Coordination in whose geographical area they carry out their professional activity. If there is no Organization in the province of residence or in the neighboring one, the ISF will be able to enroll at a national level according to the methods established by the Executive.
Scientific Representatives retired more than five years after retirement cannot hold elective offices, but they can be appointed by the EN responsible for certain services as members of the editorial staff of the Federal website, of the Research and Documentation Center or for other tasks established by the EN same.
Art. 7- The membership fees must be established according to the operational needs foreseen by the expenditure forecast approved by the Federal Congress.
Art. 8- In the event of dissolution of a federated association, the cash fund that was at its disposal must be paid into the federal national treasury. In the event of separation, the cash fund remains in the availability of the Association that separates. A federated Association that expresses the will to dissolve or separate must convene an assembly of members in the presence of a representative of EN Fedaiisf and vote the dissolution or separation with a majority of 2/3 of the members.
Art. 9- Federal Organization. The Coordinator and the Regional Coordination must also be considered a Federal Body as specified by art. 3 of the Statute at points 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and by art. 3 of the Internal Regulations. Only the Congress can establish other Bodies in addition to those established by the Statute and the Internal Regulations. In the event of forfeiture of a collegiate body, the same remains in office for ordinary administration until the renewal of the offices. Administrative continuity must always be ensured.
Art. 10- For a better execution of the activities of competence, the National Executive, on proposed by the Presidency, may assign to its members or to another member powers for the coordination and supervision of specific activities or initiatives not expressly reserved to the competence of other Bodies and/or Commissions. It can set up Commissions, Committees, Consultations, etc. with technical or advisory functions, appointing its members and presidents, establishing their tasks and functions. Proxies and Commissions have a duration corresponding to that of the EN and can be revoked at the sole discretion of the EN itself. The Federal President can set up a Presidential Office made up of the members of the EN to which other useful people can be added to provide advice and opinions. All the rules and procedures envisaged for Federal Bodies also apply to Commissions, Committees, Consults, etc. however constituted.
Art. 11- Elective Congress. Every three years Congress elects the President together with the Vice President.
The President and the Vice President should preferably not belong to the same federated Organization. The candidate for President and Vice-President form a team of an electoral list for the election of their respective roles. The Delegates express their preference for the list of candidates for the two positions with 1 vote.
The voting procedures will be established by a resolution of the National Council, without prejudice to the anonymity of the vote expressed.
Art. 12 - Unless otherwise specified by the Statute, each of the Delegates will have as many votes as there are members on 31 December of the previous year in the Provincial Section of their national Association, or members of their own Territorial Association or Coordination. The Regional Coordinators participate by right in the Federal Congress without the right to vote.
Art. 13- National Council is the body in charge of implementing the federal policy lines and the resolutions passed by the Congress through the approval of the programme, it determines the federal policy lines and the strategic objectives in accordance with the congressional decisions and the statutory purposes. Approves the Internal Regulations or their modifications on the proposal of the Executive. The Internal Regulations thus approved or modified enter into force when the Federal Secretariat notifies the Federal Bodies and federated Associations. Approves the statutory changes to be submitted to the Federal Congress. The components are those described by the art. 13 of the Statute: members of the National Executive plus the representatives, as specified by the Statute, of the federated associations. If one of the Presidents of the Federates is not present in the National Executive, he enters the National Council by right.
Art. 14- In the context of the Congress, the Federal Secretariat will certify the legitimacy of the delegates and the rights to participate. The Secretariat can proceed ex officio, also upon notification of those entitled to vote, to correct any clerical errors. In the event of disputes, the Federal Board of Arbitrators will act as arbitrator.
Art. 15- The Electoral Commission, in the case of paper voting, signs and distributes the electoral ballots. It governs voting operations by settling, in the first instance, any objections or controversies. In the second instance, the National Board of Arbitrators will take over and issue a final judgment.
Art.16- Minutes. The minutes of the Congress are drawn up by the Secretary of the Assembly and by the Deputy Secretaries. The Minutes signed by the secretary himself, by the president of the Assembly and countersigned by the electoral commissioners in the event of elections, must then be delivered to the Federal Secretary and are absolute proof of the events that occurred and the operations carried out. Each person entitled to participate or vote in the Congress has the right to request a copy. Against the legitimacy of the Congress or the Minutes, a complaint can be made to the National Board of Arbitrators, whose decision will be final.
Art. 17- The National Board of Arbitrators, in addition to the duties established by articles 21, 22, 23 and 24 of the Statute provides the authentic interpretation of the Statute, the Internal Regulations and the Code of Conduct and provides opinions on the legitimacy of the resolutions approved by the various federal bodies. The National Board of Arbitrators meets whenever its President or the majority of its members deem it appropriate and when members and federal bodies turn to it to settle, after hearing the parties involved, issues of a regulatory and disciplinary nature
Art. 18- In the event that a provision of the Internal Regulations is in conflict with the Statute, the latter prevails.
In the event of situations or events not envisaged by these Internal Regulations, it will be the task of the National Executive to elaborate the relative provision to be submitted to the National Council and, if approved, insert it in the Internal Regulations.
For anything else not provided for in these Internal Regulations, as far as applicable, reference is made to the rules and provisions of the Federal Statute.
Approved, on proposal of the National Executive, by the Federal National Council on 11 October 2022