Drug expenditure, Aifa data: total breakthrough at 17% in the first eight months

Put together territorial pharmaceutical and hospital assistance, in the first eight months of 2015 it breached the ceiling on NHS spending on medicines by more than 17%. This is the balance that comes from the latest report with which AIFA monitors the prescriptions and consumption of drugs in the Regions, relating to the January-August period: the approved pharmaceutical expenditure, i.e. that which passes through local pharmacies, reaches 5.7 billion euros and remains practically stable compared to the same period last year (-0.7%); expenditure for direct distribution/dpc, which passes through the Local Health Authorities, instead grows by almost 30% and reaches 2.7 billion euros; lastly, hospital pharmaceutical expenditure exceeds 4 billion euros.

As already in past years, the main weight of the breakthrough recorded by AIFA must be attributed precisely to the hospital, which in the first eight months comes to weigh on the overall health expenditure for 5.2% when it should not exceed 3.5%. On the other hand, the overrun of the territorial (more direct agreement/dpc) is much more contained, which is worth 12.3% of NHS spending when the ceiling is 11.35%. Once again, in essence, the pharmaceutical expenditure that passes through the territory shows that it is well governed and monitored, while that of hospitals continues to overwhelm embankments and roofs.

(24/12/2015 – AS – Federfarma)

Monitoring of Regional Pharmaceutical Expenditure (January / August 2015) (23/12/2015)

Avviso AIFA – 23/12/2015

AIFA fulfillment pursuant to Law 222/2007, conducted on the basis of the OsMed agreed expenditure data and the DCRs acquired by AGENAS on 28 October 2015 (prot. n° 0108113- 28/10/2015-AIFA-AIFA-A ) as well as data certified by the Regions and by the NSIS on the traceability date of 31 August 2015 (DM 15 July 2004) - acquired by AIFA on 11 November 2015 (prot. n° 0113847-11/11/2015-AIFA-AIFA -A) and direct distribution (DM 31 July 2007) acquired by AIFA on 20 November 2015 (prot. n° 0118090-20/11/2015-AIFA-AIFA-A).

In allegato l’estratto sul Monitoring of Regional Pharmaceutical Expenditure (January / August 2015)

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