14% less than in July 2006. This is the last important result relating to the month of July 2007 on the pharmaceutical expenditure trend in Lazio. A figure that leads to savings of around 16 million euros and 137 million euros in seven months, from January to today". the regional health councilor communicated it in a note: «The further containment of the expenditure for medicines attested by the data relating to the month of July confirms the goodness of the choices made so far and encourages us to continue on the path of recovery of the Lazio health system. It is a fundamental result, obtained thanks to the convinced adhesion of doctors and pharmacists for the prescriptive appropriateness, to make concrete the objectives of cost containment and financial stabilization envisaged by the repayment plan agreed with the government ", a note from the councilor to the Health of the Augusto Battaglia Region. From Il Tempo of 08/15/2007 ed. ROME Fr. 2