The net subsidized pharmaceutical expenditure of the national health service in 2010 decreased by 0.7% compared to 2009 against the increase in the number of prescriptions of 2.6%. In 2010, there were almost 587 million prescriptions, equal to 9.84 prescriptions for each citizen: these are the data on the trend of pharmaceutical expenditure in 2010 at national and regional level, contained in a brochure produced by Federfarma. From the analysis it also appears that the most prescribed drugs in 2010 were those for the cardiovascular system with an increase in the number of packs of +2,8% compared to 2009. "The brochure" explains President Federfarma, Annarosa Racca "is an example of the analyzes that can be carried out thanks to the monitoring carried out by the pharmacies that every month record all the data of the medicines provided in the National and Regional authorities who deal with health and economics. The authorities can therefore intervene promptly both in the event of health and economic problems. For this reason, the pharmaceutical expenditure under the agreement has been under control for years and complies with the ceiling established by law".
Pharmacist33 – 7 June 2011