Pharmaceutical expenditure under special agreements, -0.8% in September from Federfarma data

Nella seconda metà del 2015 la spesa farmaceutica che passa dalle farmacie del territorio tende a stabilizzarsi rispetto all’anno prima. E’ la fotografia che emerge dalle ultime rilevazioni di spesa condotte da Federfarma sulla base dei dati raccolti dagli esercizi associati: nel periodo gennaio-settembre 2015 la spesa farmaceutica convenzionata cala dello 0,8% rispetto ai primi nove mesi del 2014. A prima vista, la frenata potrebbe essere in parte spiegata dai mutamenti che nel periodo fanno segnare le prescrizioni: le ricette infatti sono in calo (-2,1%, sempre rispetto ai primi nove mesi del2014) but their average value increases by 1.4%: in other words, doctors prescribe a little less but tend to opt for slightly higher priced drugs. However, given that in the last three months of 2015 AIFA renegotiated the prices of various range A specialties downwards, it is likely that in the next surveys the data on the value of recipes will already show a countertrend.

Lastly, the incidence also remains substantially unchanged of co-payments and co-payments to be paid by patients on gross pharmaceutical expenditure: it was equal to 13.6% in September 2014, it stopped at 13.5% in September 2015. Overall, Italians paid co-payments on drugs for more than 1.11 billion euro, the 64% of which - says Aifa - in the form of sharing between the reimbursement portion of the cheaper equivalent and the price of the drug dispensed.

(AS -26/01/2016 – Federfarma)

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