Cut of 1.6 billion in 2013-2014 to the Health Fund. Extensions for the contracts of precarious workers, for the remuneration of the drug supply chain and for the pharmaceutical payback. The risk management units spring up. Allocated 275 million for the non-self-sufficiency fund and reduced the spending ceiling for medical devices. THE TEXT.
27 DEC – The provision concerning the state budget for the financial year 2013 and the multi-year budget for the three-year period 2013-2015 (and related notes of changes) has become law. The definitive go-ahead came last December 21 when the Chamber with 373 votes in favour, 67 against and 15 abstentions, voted on the question of confidence that the Minister of Economy and Finance Vittorio Grilli posed, on behalf of the Government, without amendments and additional articles, of the single article of the provision already approved by the Chamber and modified by the Senate.
In fact, the Senate had already given its trust to the Stability Bill, approving a maxi-amendment with 199 votes in favour, 55 against and 10 abstentions which essentially implemented the text approved by the Budget Commission.
But let's see in particular what are the points that affect health.
National Health Fund. For health, the cut of 600 million to the national health fund for 2013 is confirmed, which will rise to 1 billion from 2014.
Precarious staff. For the precarious staff of the PA, including therefore that of the NHS, there is the possibility of extending until 31 July 2013 the fixed-term employment contracts existing on 30 November 2012, even if they have lasted for more than 36 months. The maxi-amendment also provides for a reserve of places equal to 40% in the competitions that will be announced for those who have completed at least three years of service in the administration issuing the announcement.
Medical devices. Changes in the reduction of expenditure for the purchase of goods and services and medical devices: the amounts and related benefits relating to existing contracts for service contracts and the supply of goods and services, with the exclusion of purchases of medicines, stipulated by companies and bodies of the National Health Service, are reduced by 10% starting from 1 January 2013 and by 4.8% in 2013 and 4.4% from 2014 for purchases of