Historical Archive

Survey in France, confidence in generic drugs drops

Only 57% patients willing to accept systematic replacement

December 10, 11:03 - ANSA Health & Wellness

PARIS – The French trust generic drugs less and less. According to a survey carried out by Ifop for the Phr pharmacist association, the percentage of people willing to systematically accept a replacement of a medicine with a generic one dropped by 5 points in one year, from 62% in 2011 to 57%.
Confidence in the quality of generics is also decreasing: in fact, 72%, against last year's 77%, are the patients convinced that their properties are similar to those of the original drugs, and only 61%, against 71% in 2011, who find them equally safe. On the other hand, there is greater consensus on the economic benefits of opting for a generic drug: according to the 82% of the interviewees, the savings compared to original medicines are significant.


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