NOTE 100
Rome 1 December 2022 – Absolutely contrary to the provisions of Note 100 of Aifa. The national leaders of the Snami union are once again ready to raise a wall in defense of the many doctors of general medicine left to their fate and continuously suffocated by a lot of work which is a hindrance to their clinical activity in the area.
"I will ask for an immediate discussion with the ministerial and drug agency officials - he says Angel Head, Snami national president,- because it is not possible that measures that enormously damage general practitioners will arrive at almost fixed deadlines. From today, in fact, they are the only ones who have to take on the prescription of therapeutic plans for diabetic patients, through the Healthcare Card telematic system.”
The sequence of regulatory interventions is inadmissible – he adds Gianfranco Breccia, Snami National Secretary – which add up to a very long list of tasks and burdens, all placed on the shoulders of general practitioners. As usual thereNote 100 was issued without any consultation and in fact once again displacing the whole category.
“It is not possible to work in this way- he continues Matthew Picerna, SNAMI Deputy National Secretary– if a note or treatment plan or other limitations must be applied for each drug that is prescribed. The umpteenth decision that comes in a period that has always been full of bureaucratic activities and called to assist all patients affected by seasonal flu and with the commitment of vaccination.
”Note 100 should be suspended as soon as possible – concludes Angelo Testa – and a table should be opened immediately to re-discuss all the other Aifa notes. We think that in an emergency context like the one we are experiencing it is useful to abolish all notes and therapeutic plans ”.
SNAMI Press Release - 2 December 2022
Related news: AIFA. Activation of computerized prescription of drugs in Note 100 by General Practitioners through the TS system