We feel a deep sense of shame. As citizens and as journalists. We live in a country where three hundred and thirty million euros cannot be found to guarantee assistance to people suffering from a terrible disease, ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which blocks your body, your vital functions, even if you continue to reason and think .
As journalists we are truly beggars unable to use the media to launch a major campaign and force the government, yes force it, to budget the euros needed to give a minimum of relief to the sick and their families. We are also ashamed of the insensitivity of the prime minister and his ministers. Elsa Fornero instead of crying and with her Minister Balduzzi resign if the necessary millions do not go into the budget. Even we journalists could do something. For example, in newspapers, TV and radio, we could dedicate some space to a campaign to guarantee assistance to these sick people A few nights ago Santoro's talk show donated about 20 minutes to Grillo at his rallies. If he dedicated ten to him and ten he gave them to ALS patients, it wasn't the end of the world.
A major press campaign is needed
Has that ever occurred to a TV host? For example, newspaper editors could be asked to open a front-page window dedicated to this issue. The National Federation of the Press, the union of journalists, could promote it. And the so-called "civil society" where is it? Only the associations of the third sector, the CGIL, are engaged in initiatives, mobilizations, principals in front of the Chamber, at Palazzo Chigi. He could lend a hand given that not even the parties that support Monti are able, despite trying, to change the government's mind. It turns out that there are about a hundred people with ALS who are on hunger strike just by chance. Thanks, this time, to Minister Fornero who, together with Balduzzi, had pledged with some sick people from a Sardinian town on hunger strike to have the three hundred and thirty million euro approved. On the basis of this promise these citizens of the Italian state had stopped the strike. Now they'll film it again. Did the press, TV, radio ever tell us anything about what was happening? Have you ever described to us the suffering of a person suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis? AND