Failed the latest attempt at mediation, the medical unions respond with mobilization to the letter from Minister Brunetta (photo) confirmed the start of today the sanctions against doctors who do not certify online. Fimmg and Cimo-Asmd have already commented on the state of agitation: "The Minister's communication" is the comment of the national secretary of Fimmg, Giacomo Milillo "is a further mockery and demonstrates the minister's total detachment from operational reality". "Hospitals are not yet able to guarantee all doctors an internet connection" adds Riccardo Cassi, president of Cimo-Asmd "in such conditions it is impossible not to threaten sanctions". Also on the barricades Fp-Cgil, which provocatively calls for sanctions against the Minister: «Brunetta» observes the national secretary of the union, Massimo Cozza «speaks of an interpretative circular on sanctions to avoid unjustified punitive attitudes. But how, from tomorrow (today, ed) the penalties start and still the interpretative circular has to be prepared? Confusion upon confusion." State of agitation also for Snami: «We already proclaimed it some time ago» recalls the national president, Angelo Testa «the fact remains that from tomorrow the sanctions will be law. We will evaluate with our lawyers the feasibility of a certification strike".
Anaao, decision on the line in days
According to Anaao-Assomed, any decision on countermoves with respect to Minister Brunetta's confirmation of the sanctions for those who do not certify online is postponed to the National Council on 3 February. «The system in hospitals is not yet up and running» recalls the national secretary, Costantino Troise «so much so that the ministerial circulars themselves authorize the paper method (without sanctions on online, ed) for hospitalization, discharge and emergency room certificates. There remains the danger of a collapse of the emergency-urgency system, already stressed by the flu epidemic and the lack of staff, and of an extension of patient expectations, and it is on this that the National Council will decide the line to follow in days ". As far as doctors are concerned, however, the invitation that comes from the trade unions is to continue on the line already followed up to now. «Those who can certify electronically continue to do so» sums up the general secretary of Fimmg, Giacomo Milillo «those who cannot certify without fear continue with paper. We are about to launch a "certified emergency room" which will provide assistance, including legal assistance, to all doctors who should receive complaints of any kind".