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A thunderous applause greeted trade unionists and representatives of the company RSU as they left the Ministry headquarters, at just after 21.00.
An applause that became even more intense, accompanied by the sound of whistles and some liberating screams when the most important news arrived: on 27 December, no employee of Sigma-Tau will be laid off.

There is time for the social safety nets, at least until January 13, the date on which the official who hosted the negotiating table between all the parties involved has set a new meeting. "It was a small point in our favor", modestly declared Pina Magni and Roberto Gargiulo, of the company union representatives. In reality, what the unions have achieved is a big step, it is the most positive they could hope for, given the conditions. “The company has accepted a new meeting in the Region to re-discuss the whole affair. This means that conditions and numbers can be re-evaluated. The important thing is that we no longer have the nightmare of December 27, which hovered over us terrifyingly. We have therefore gone beyond the rules, which provide for 25 days from the start of the redundancy fund procedures".

There will therefore be two meetings: one in the Lazio Region, in front of the Councilor for Labor Mariella Zezza, on a date yet to be defined, and the other already fixed at the Ministry for 13 January. As far as the Region is concerned, it will be the beginning of a discussion on the various problems concerning the productive and employment situation. Two excellent chances have therefore been obtained for the workers, who in the meantime will be able to spend the holidays with a more peaceful mind, but who will not give up demonstrating on Saturday 17 December. “It is incredible how all the employees have shown unity of purpose: already leaving the Ministry at 9 in the evening and finding hundreds of people waiting to be told what happened, while hundreds more remained in front of the company gates for the same reason makes us understand how much value our fight has: it is for them that we will not give up”, added Pina Magni. On a practical level, Sigma Tau, which was present not only with the representatives of the BoD but also with the personnel managers, agreed to call into question what has been done unilaterally in recent days, agreeing on a revision of the industrial plan both in the forms and in the effects: any agreement must be taken in consultation with the trade unions.

The workers, in addition to their colleagues present at the table, also applauded the passage of Mayor De Fusco and Councilor Zezza, recognizing the important mediation role they play. The ministry, Zezza and the mayor played a mediating role between the company and the workers. “A victory for the workers who presided over the Ministry for the entire duration of the meeting, to make their voices heard. This does not mean that everything has resolved itself, but a step forward has certainly been made, even if attention must continue to be kept high". This was the final statement from the Prime Citizen after the meeting.

December 15, 2011 

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