Harsh note from the "Committee for the Protection of the Isf Sigma-Tau Network", which warns: It's not over. The proposal for another year of CIGS is about to arrive, always for the same workers, once again with zero hours and no rotation
Il Faro online – From the "Committee for the Protection of the Isf Sigma-Tau network" we receive and publish. "The sigma-tau affair has no end: for the workers of the pharmaceutical giant of Pomezia suspended in the Extraordinary Redundancy Fund since 17 January 2012 (to date there are already 30 consecutive months, without rotation and with zero hours), however some glimmer of justice finally seems open.
While the company continues to present new and different industrial plans to the competent institutions, each time more and more catastrophic in terms of turnover forecasts, but always updated to the needs of the moment, while marketing activities continue with related huge advertising and communication expenses , while public money is spent to finance a CIGS which would seem to serve to mask a by now evident collective redundancy, while the company's lawyers present defense briefs in which the workers suspended in CIGS are blamed for the crisis declared three years ago, in all this what do unions do? They withdraw and are silent!
On 24 March 2014, in relation to the appeal filed by the workers for the annulment of the CIGS concession decree no. 77404 of 5 December 2013 by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, the Lazio Regional Administrative Court declared its lack of jurisdiction, however granting the term of three months to resume the case before the ordinary judge; the reasons on the basis of which the Lazio Regional Administrative Court asserted that it did not have jurisdiction are not well understood, but were punctually and abruptly denied by the most recent provisions of the labor judges.
In fact, there are numerous recent and significant victories of the approximately 150 appeals presented in various Courts of Italy, including Rome, Cagliari, Naples, Rieti, Treviso, Genoa and Reggio Emilia.
A recent ruling by Judge Irene Ambrosi of the Rome Labor Court recognized "the illegitimacy of the CIGS suspension communicated to the appellants", ordering sigma-tau spa to compensate 7 employees, who had appealed against the CIGS provision, the difference between what was received through the social safety nets and what should have been the full salary for the entire duration of the first CIGS due to the crisis, plus legal fees.
But even if, as we said, several other workers, as of today's date as many as eighteen, have won the appeal in the various Labor Courts, and in one case even for the first and second placement measure in CIGS, the company however maintains inactive, forced to take holidays or paid leave, with blatant and provocative non-compliance with judicial reintegration measures, waste of economic resources