A safe driving course for all the approximately 500 Eli Lilly Italia employees who use the company car. This is the initiative promoted by the pharmaceutical company of Sesto Fiorentino in collaboration with Cosefi, the business school of Confindustria Florence and with the support of the Lorenzo Guarnieri Onlus Association. The program is called Behind the wheels and includes a complete safe driving course to be held in 2011 at 4 Italian racetracks: Pavia, Siena, Anagni and Bari.
"This project takes on a double meaning because on the one hand it testifies to the constant commitment of Confindustria Firenze for safety at work, on the other it highlights that the concept of safety does not end at the company gate - underlines Stefano Guarnieri, president of the Territorial Section Fiorentina Nord of Confindustria Florence - the issue of safety in the workplace cannot in fact be exhausted in a series of prescriptions to be observed but must become a real culture rooted in the consciences of workers and those who do business".
"For this reason, Eli Lilly has been promoting training programs on topics crucial to the safety and health of its employees for years", underlines Roberto Pedrina, Legal Affairs and Human Resources Director. "The objective in the factory is to have zero injuries and with this program we are targeting the approximately 500 colleagues and collaborators who take to the road every day for work. The message is very simple: that we begin to reflect on the concept of risk, on the the role and responsibilities of the individual in matters of prevention and on how it is possible to reduce the risk with positive behaviour, to the full advantage, in our case, not only of the employee but also of the private citizen who could be involved in a road accident" .
The project was also made possible thanks to the Fondimpresa funding obtained through the partnership with Cosefi.
The Lorenzo Guarnieri Association, born following the serious road accident that cost the life of 17-year-old Lorenzo, killed by a scooter driven by a man who tested positive for alcohol and drug tests, will be the testimonial and will speak at the opening of each single session to underline the importance for everyone to behave consciously and correctly when driving.
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