Movement for the transition to Dependence of General Practitioners
The acronym is MoDiMeG and stands for Movement for the transition to dependency of general practitioners: available on the web for a few days, the site (www.modimeg.it) contains a manifesto proposing a progressive transition to the employment relationship of contracted doctors. The reasons fri! are explained in the introduction to the manifesto: "in recent years we have witnessed the ope legis introduction of new tasks and bureaucratic duties for doctors in the general practice area, forgetting that they maintain a freelance-type work performance relationship with the National Health Service, according to which each job must correspond to the relative emolument, regulated by a national or local employment agreement". The site proposes a discussion on the contractualisation of general practice, refuting the main objection, that the employment relationship, with defined hours and duties, is difficult to reconcile with the activity of general practice, based on the relationship of trust and on the choice by the patient. This objection, oppose the promoters of the movement, "is based on an old and rigid conception of dependent work, while they already exist in the contract! of the medical management incentive mechanisms that can be used to favor the acquisition of choices and the maintenance of the relationship of trust». The movement ignores and maintains full autonomy from all union organizations, which it does not consider able to propose such a change. «The majority union of general medicine – declare the authors of the manifesto – has failed in recent years to represent the expectations of local doctors, due to cultural delays and legal prejudices, continuing to defend consolidated interests and looking mainly to those who are one step away from retirement; up to the recent support for the Balduzzi decree and the acceptance of a forthcoming renewal of the agreement at no cost». Instead, the movement intends to fight to guarantee doctors contractual rights comparable to those of the employment relationship, primarily paid holidays and the 13th month's salary.
May 3, 2013 – DoctorNews33