Section Forlì - Cesena and Rimini. AIISF sectional directive elections and association dinner

The day March 26, 2015, is convened in the hall of ristorante Peter Pan di Forlì in Via Sandro Pertini, Parco Urbano – Forli’ (FC) – 0543.21113 alle ore 18.00 in prima convocazione, ed at 18.30 on second call, l’assemblea degli iscritti della sezione di Forlì – Cesena e Rimini che prevede il seguente ordine del giorno:

  1. Election of the new Sectional Executive (right to vote for members only);
  2. Rapporto Fedaiisf- AIISF – organizzazione e quote di iscrizione 2015;
  3. Scientific informants and commercial agents, the position of FEDAIISF;
  4. National organization, site, activity;
  5. donations;
  6. Chat Fedaiisf;
  7. Section budget as at 31 December 2014;
  8. Miscellaneous and possible

On this occasion it is possible to register or renew membership in FEDAIISF.

L’invito è aperto a tutti i colleghi e prevede anche una cena a base di pizze diverse con bevande e caffè al costo di 15,00 €.

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday 26 March.

Best regards.

The Board of Directors of the Forlì-Cesena and Rimini Section


On 26 March 2015, the new board of directors of the Forlì-Cesena and Rimini section was elected for the three-year period 2015-2018.

Board of Directors of the Section:

President Lamberto Zannotti
Vice President Marcello Succi
Secretary Maurizio Putzu
Treasurer Aurelio Zema
Director De Caro Felicia
Director Deris Solfrini
Director Giovannio Foschi

Board of Arbitrators:

President Joseph Help
Standing Director Alessandra Tisi
Effective Director Francesco Burattini
Alternate director Mirella Rossi
Alternate director Sabrina Tadonio

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