The day March 26, 2015, is convened in the hall of Peter Pan restaurant in Forlì in Via Sandro Pertini, Parco Urbano – Forlì (FC) – 0543.21113 at 18.00 on first call, ed at 18.30 on second call, the assembly of members of the Forlì – Cesena and Rimini section which provides for the following agenda:
- Election of the new Sectional Executive (right to vote for members only);
- Fedaiisf- AIISF report – organization and membership fees 2015;
- Scientific informants and commercial agents, the position of FEDAIISF;
- National organization, site, activity;
- donations;
- Chat Fedaiisf;
- Section budget as at 31 December 2014;
- Miscellaneous and possible
On this occasion it is possible to register or renew membership in FEDAIISF.
The invitation is open to all colleagues and also includes a dinner of different pizzas with drinks and coffee at a cost of €15.00.
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday 26 March.
Best regards.
The Board of Directors of the Forlì-Cesena and Rimini Section
On 26 March 2015, the new board of directors of the Forlì-Cesena and Rimini section was elected for the three-year period 2015-2018.