Historical Archive


On 06/06/06 the Board of Directors of the Perugia section met.
We have addressed various topics and problems, which generally concern our profession and above all discussed the future of our Section. We are very satisfied with the trend of registrations for the current year, in consideration of the fact that they have more than doubled compared to the previous year.
This undoubtedly means that the effort to give a new face to the section was appreciated, with the renewal of "almost" all of the board of directors, we firmly believe in the importance of maximum representation, so we invite all registered colleagues to work of "proselytizing" towards colleagues who have not yet approached us! We plan, shortly, to provide new services for members,
of course if you want to give suggestions or formulate proposals they will be more than welcome!
As far as the meetings with the Umbria Region are concerned, we should wait (hopefully shortly), given the imminence of the appointments of the various General Managers of the ASL; with whom in turn a meeting is desirable, even if necessary.
We are happy with the positive development that the solution to the problem regarding our admission to Orthopedics in Perugia has had, as per the previous message sent to you.
For every report we are here to listen to you.
Guido Chiocchini

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