Following the resignation of Dr. Carmine D'Ambrosio as President Aiisf Molise, regular votes were held which elected the following Board:
– President Michele D'Orazio 3291727148 doraziomich@gmail.com aiisfmolise@gmail.com
– Vice President Raffaele Bencivenga 3355795599 raffaele.bencivenga@zambongroup.com
– Treasurer Salvatore Colella 3358137330 colellasalvatore69@gmail.com
– Secretary Erika Carrelli 3408311889 ecerika90@hotmail.it
– Director Antonio Cirucci 3898924375 cirucciantonio@libero.it
– Director Renato Incollango 3772707389 renatoincollingo@tiscali.it
– Councilor Carla Fatica 3661045269 carlafatica@gmail.com
I inform you that the institutional email has changed. The new one is: aiisfmolise@gmail.com
Best regards
Michael D'Orazio