
If the patient consumes more drugs than necessary, the doctor now pays

The symbolic case is an elderly man who used "too much" eye drops

Too many bottles of eye drops or too many boxes of statins? If the accounts do not add up, if the patient consumes the eye drops or the asthma spray in a period shorter than that considered standard. Or, again, if he asks for gastroprotectants against stomach acid and gastroesophageal reflux even though perhaps he doesn't really need them, in the end it is the condescending doctor who has abused in the past who pays out of his own pocket. prescriptions. In some cases a few euros, in others more than two thousand euros in six months. With the not so remote consequence that the relationship between the doctor, annoyed by the sanctions, and the patient directly pays the price.

Filippo Romano, a physicist over seventy, in this story is the patient accused by the general practitioner of being wasteful. The story, which ended in an exchange of jokes that resulted in "insults" according to the patient, has now become a complaint to the Medical Association. Who will have to express himself on the episode. Beyond the personal spat, however, the topic raised by the patient is widespread and occurs more and more frequently. «How many days should the anti-glaucoma eye drops last? When does the boundary between correct use and waste come into being?».

(… continue on Turin – by SARA STRIPPOLI)

Related news: Veneto. "Drugs gone, the Region intervenes"

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