Defense and relaunch of the National Health Service, strengthening of the Ministry of Health, revision of health federalism, reorganization of services and training of health professionals. These are the building blocks on which Amedeo Bianco (photo), president of Fnomceo and new candidate of the Democratic Party in the Senate, will pivot his political activity in the event of an election. He reveals this in an interview with DoctorNews33, reported below, in which, in addition to setting out his political objectives, he says for now he has no intention of leaving the office of president of the Medical Association.
January 10, 2013 – DoctorNews
The interview: Lea and healthcare federalism are the priorities
The essential levels of assistance cannot be decided by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, but the Ministry of Health must regain its centrality. Just as the State and the Regions must find a new balance, with the former overseeing the effective disbursement of the Lea. Thus, among other things, Amedeo Bianco, new candidate in the next political elections.
Doctor Bianco, what are the conditions for your candidacy?
First approach me! or at this deadline in the wake with which the proposal arrived to me, a large national party which has thought of an exponent of the medical profession in a representative role. The clear signal of attention to a suffering world. This is what convinced me to accept.
What do the party leaders expect from you?
I think they are expecting proposals for solutions to health problems as part of an overall welfare project. The assumption is that a good NHS is the principle of unity, equity and social cohesion of the country. When care is needed, there is and should be no difference between rich and poor. The first point, therefore, is the defense and relaunch of the NHS as a defense of civil values. A great objective that is articulated in various points.
To begin with, bring the Ministry of Health back to a central role, with stronger and more specific powers. To be clear, the Leas cannot be a variable dependent on the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Then there is the aspect of healthcare federalism which is becoming more and more barbaric. The first sector to be affected by the tax levies on the Regions is that of health, especially for the Regions with less income capacity. The goal is to find a new balance between the State and the Region, with the central state overseeing the effective disbursement of the Lea. Then there is the corporate aspect of hospitals which needs to be reoriented towards the real purposes. A balanced budget is not achieved