Institutional purposes

Institutional purposes
- Promote the cohesion and union of all members to allow a univocal and homogeneous vision of the professional problems inherent in the activity of scientific representatives of the drug;
- protect the cultural and technical interests of the members in all offices;
- collaborate with institutions and social health structures so that pharmaceutical assistance is aimed at the interest of the community;
- ensure the correct use of the drug;
- promote dialogue and confrontation with the political and social parties in order to improve the quality of life, health education and the image of the category;
- represent the associates in relations with the Central and Regional Government Authorities, with Health Authorities, with Institutions, production and/or marketing companies, with intermediate distributors for economic and trade union purposes;
The Association will be able to carry out all the activities strictly functional to the achievement of the aforementioned purposes, with the exclusion in particular of any profit-making purpose.
Pres. Mazzarella Final report 2018 - Activity carried out
Subscriber services
In 2013 FEDAISF – Federation of Italian Associations of Scientific Representatives of Drugs and Parapharmaceuticals, has completed the important project of unification of various Associations of Scientific Representatives in Italy.
FEDEAIISF, therefore, picking up the baton, today offers all the Italian IS the certainty of being able to count on a body that combines the skills gained over the decades by the previous associations, first of all AIISF, with a view to a greater territorial and national presence which draws the attention of institutions, politics, trade unions and businesses to the need to bring the scientific information service on medications in the channel where the legislator has long since inserted it.
Being therefore FEDAISF the only structured, legally constituted body e most representative of the ISFs and ISPs in Italy, is legitimated to operate in the forefront towards all institutional, political, trade union and entrepreneurial subjects so that they take note of the reality of the sector and converge towards positive and constructive relationships, in view of the importance of scientific information, for the correct use and consequent containment of the consumption of medicines, the optimization of the health of the sick, the application of the rules that regulate the matter, the maintenance of employment levels.
"Make system" in FEDAISF it should therefore be the goal of every HE that transmits information on its drugs and parapharmaceuticals to health professionals - regardless of its employment contract - to consolidate the unity of the category, defend one's professional identity, one's working dignity, one's association code, to avoid, above all, further drifts that could perhaps lead to the collapse of a sector that is able to offer health to the sick, employment for the workers, health economy and reduction of waste.
All member associations FEDAISF offer their members some national services and, for some Sections, local services, such as:
- Doctors booklets or files by province with office hours updated annually (in some sections)
- national, regional, inter-provincial and provincial chats dedicated to IS activity
- real-time updates, through sms regarding absent doctors, schedule changes, booking changes and other useful information;
- booking diaries annuals for medical studies;
- right-of-way signsand patient communications for medical practices;
- booklets containing the names of the registered Colleagues and their respectiveCompanies for which they work to be delivered to doctors (in some sections);
- personal password access to the site (in project);
- union consultancy;
- legal advice;
- professional advice;
Dr. Riccardo Bevilacqua
FEDAIISF Documentation, Research and Studies Centre