Who has seen Mauro Lari? Desperate appeal from his wife
Disappeared into thin air after the medical conference
MISSING without leaving any trace is Mauro Lari, a fifty-year-old from La Spezia who on the morning of last Friday for work reasons had left Spezia to…
MISSING without leaving any trace is Mauro Lari, a fifty-year-old from La Spezia who left Spezia last Friday morning for work reasons to go to Pisa and participate, as a medical-scientific informant, in a congress at the Santa Chiara hospital. "The last time he was seen by a colleague of his at the end of the congress - says his wife, who is holding a photo of her husband at the entrance to our editorial office, visibly worried -, it was around two in the afternoon on Saturday and he should have gone home in his car". Lari, in the night between Friday and Saturday, stayed at the Hotel Duomo in Pisa, right in the center of the Tuscan city. 1 meter and 78 tall, normal build, short graying hair, beard and mustache, usually with eyeglasses, he should have returned to Spezia driving his latest model Fiat Bravo, sugar paper color with license plate DN941LH. Of him and his car, however, no trace. «Worried about the delay, I tried to contact him at half past five in the afternoon of the same day – continues his wife -, but the cell phone had the answering machine on. His boss, who attended the convention with my husband, also never heard from him immediately after the debate. I have continued to try incessantly to call him all these days until this morning, but the outcome has always been negative".
Lately, always according to the woman, Mauro could appear a little stressed because of work. «On the morning of his departure I was getting ready to go to the beach, while he seemed calm for his departure for Pisa, as always and we talked about this congress together which in any case would have been one of his last 'efforts' before the summer holidays which are due to start in ten days».
After having searched all the hospitals from Pisa to La Spezia, thinking that an accident could have happened to her husband or that he could have been struck by an illness, the wife filed a missing person report at the command of the Carabinieri of Mazzetta. «When I heard the news, I was very surprised – a work colleague tells us -. Mauro is a very smart person and prepared from a professional point of view, it's not for nothing that he works for an important multinational company. A family man like everyone else, very attached to his two sons, twins. I haven't seen him very much lately, most likely because his area of professional competence has been enlarged. However, my wish and that of the other colleagues is that Mauro will be able to return home as soon as possible and embrace his wife and children again». At the moment, however, there is no trace of Mauro Lari and his car.
After the start of the investigation every hypothesis remains open, but everything is still very uncertain and mysterious.