Rome 29.03.10 – During the last national conference, organized by the Hon. Dr. Domenico Scilipoti in Palazzo Marini, entitled Citizens' health and scientific information, one of those present, Dr. Ciro Aurigemma, psychologist and expert on mobbing and psychic damage, drew attention to corporate mobbing and highlighted how companies that force ISF workers to be fired implement behavior of this type.
Dr. Aurigemma also described the consequences on health, dignity, but also on economic aspects, which often involve both the individual and social spheres of these professionals in the pharmaceutical sector. For these reasons, during the meeting, the mobbing expert made an appeal to politics so that this serious problem is not forgotten. “ The Lazio Region – recalls the Hon. Scilipoti – approved, years ago, a regional law on the subject, later judged unconstitutional; meanwhile, other regions such as Umbria and Abruzzo have managed to get one approved, only recently, Lazio has resubmitted it with modifications, but these are still to be approved.
I agree and I give my availability – concludes Scilipoti – to meet later for concrete initiatives also on Mobbing, to support the affected workers, families and ISF”.
Hon. Domenico Scilipoti
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