16/05/2013 info|TODAY
LECCE, 16 MAY 2013- An investigation by the in-depth weekly "Falò" on CSR (Swiss radio and television in Italian) reveals the background of the scandal of the hormones administered by Italian paediatricians on behalf of the Swiss pharmaceutical company Sandoz. What happened to the investigation in Italy?
It was talked about last October as an almost unprecedented scandal in Italy, but since then the epilogue has not been known.
According to the investigation conducted by the Nas and coordinated by the Prosecutors of Bologna and Busto Arsizio and which according to the press would have seen 67 doctors from public and private hospitals and 12 scientific informants under investigation, the Swiss pharmaceutical group Sandoz would have paid dozens of Italian pediatricians to prescribe some drugs of its production. In particular, among the medicines prescribed mainly to children, some in overdose and quite expensive, there were Omnitrope, a growth hormone that contains the active ingredient of Somatropin, and Binocrit, a drug that increases the production of red blood cells. Both are used as anabolics and considered doping substances.
The media had talked about a complex investigation by the Italian judiciary and Sandoz's decision to fire twelve employees and managers suspected of having tried to increase sales by resorting to illegal practices.
After the vast media echo, in Italy nothing, while in Switzerland a reportage of a story is announced on the first network in the in-depth program Falò which has taken on not only criminal profiles that are under the magnifying glass of the investigating magistrate, but above all, dramatic human implications, starting from the suffering of children forced to take growth hormones and therefore for the dangerous health consequences for these young people.
As president and founder of the "Rights Window", explains Giova