“If maneuvers of this type continue, the risk of a further drop in employment in the pharmaceutical sector exists and is evident. The echo of these new measures has gone around the world and the danger is also that companies will relocate production and no longer invest in Italy”. This is the concern of Massimo Scaccabarozzi, new president of Farmindustria, who spoke about it in Rome during the conference in which he presented himself to the press with the new vice presidents of the association of pharmaceutical companies, elected at the end of June. "On the other hand - continued Scaccabarozzi - first foreign industries are told that they are right to invest in Italy, then a few months later interventions of this kind are introduced" in Maneuver, such as the task of paying the 35% of the overrun of hospital pharmaceutical expenditure . “We have reached the saturation point”, reiterated the number one of Farmindustria. According to the association, the danger that exists is that of witnessing the relocation of production and the transformation of Italy from the third largest producer of the European Union, into a market for the consumption of medicines developed and produced abroad, and of bringing the research beyond our borders. With heavy effects also on employment, which has already decreased by 8,000 skilled workers since 2006 (ie -11% out of the total of 75,000), which risks falling by the same amount over the next five years. The situation is critical not only as regards foreign companies, but also 'blue' ones: "By now - he explained - Italian industries such as Chiesi, Menarini, Recordati, are real multinationals with Italian capital and have the same problems as foreign ones . They will relocate where the rules are certain, stable and sustainable over time".
Barbara DiChiara
Source: adnkronosHealth – PharmaKronos of 11 July 2011 number 125 year 5