Savona – The bribes would have been promised by Carcare's Innovative Pharma
Savona. It would be the owners of a pharmaceutical company in Carcare, Innovative Pharma, who promised bribes to a series of doctors in exchange for prescriptions for at least six or seven drugs. They are Moreno Cavazzoli and Gianfranco Pistone, the latter until recently clerk of the court. Thanks to a previous work experience in a national pharmaceutical company, Cavazzoli would have approached at least seven doctors, from Cairo, Albisola and Varazze, but also from outside the region: Calabria and Tuscany. In addition to Amatore Morando who professes no involvement in the accusations, Mauro Panaro, Gianfranco Barile and Pietro Caviglia are in trouble. Among other things, numerous telephone interceptions would have framed them.
written by Marco Vallarino
Thursday 4 October 2012 11:33 Punto Savona