Savona – They don't fit. To play the part of the "spenders" and to be summoned as undisciplined schoolboys by the pharmaceutical service of the ASL 2 for having prescribed one pill too many. Family doctors don't like seeing the burden of the savings to be obtained unloaded on them without also subjecting their hospital colleagues and specialists to the same conditions. Which, according to them, are responsible for a large part of the expenditure on drugs "induced" on the patient and then written, materially, on the prescriptions by the family doctor.
To say it is Giorgio Fusetti, of the Snami trade union, one of the three acronyms that represent family doctors. And it does so because the "budget" system, the spending ceiling on drug prescriptions imposed by the ASL2, has not also been extended to specialist and hospital doctors, as was instead announced during the preliminary meetings between the category representatives last January.
«Over 20% of spending more than indicated in the report, and the doctor is called to justify himself. Correct. – begins Fusetti – especially in the case of improper prescriptions. We are not against this method, so much so that the Asl Pharmacy did it in agreement with us. But on the other hand we unfortunately have to highlight once again that there is strong resistance even from the hospital to take charge of the drugs that are assigned. The budget will never work if every doctor does not take direct responsibility for the prescription he makes. What does it mean? "That most of the more expensive drugs, for example I am thinking of statins or those for asthma and respiratory diseases, in particular the more modern ones, are written in huge lists on therapeutic plans and then it's up to the general practitioner to put them on the prescriptions month after month".
In short, there is not only the tendency on the part of some doctors to privilege