Disciplinary sanctions of workers

Le sanzioni disciplinari sono comunicate dalle aziende ai lavoratori con la ben nota “warning letter“. Ma vediamo come e quando possono essere comminate e quali sono i modi per contestarle.

In order for all disciplinary sanctions to be valid, it is first necessary to post the disciplinary code (i.e. the extract from the collective agreement and any company regulations relating to disciplinary sanctions) in a place accessible to workers, even if not public (e.g. canteen , locker room, etc.). If the disciplinary code is not posted in each production unit, the sanction is totally void and there is no possibility of subsequent validation. Alternatively, and increasingly often, the disciplinary code can also be delivered to all workers, for example together with the letter of employment. The latter mode requires written proof of delivery by the company.

( … continua su LA LEGGE PER TUTTI – Avv. Ettore Pietro Silva)

– See more at: http://www.laleggepertutti.it/96763_sanzioni-disciplinari-dei-lavoratori#sthash.ZTQz0wh6.dpuf

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