ROME – The trend of health expenditure in the central-southern regions could have a "devastating effect in 2010". This is what can be read in a confidential document from the Ministry of Welfare which ANSA has come into possession of. Also on the basis of these data, the Council of Ministers today decided to commission the health system of Campania and Molise. The structural deficit, according to the text which elaborates the data of the 2008 monitoring of the Court of Auditors (net of the coverage of the so-called 'Economic accounts' and the greater coverage in 2008), in Italy is equal to approximately 4 billion euros (3,915, 5 million) and the "deficits of the central-southern regions, including Lazio, are 3.2 billion", 83.39% of the total.
"The situation presented by the Court of Auditors – reads the text – in the General Report of the State for the 2008 financial year, raises many concerns. In fact, the 2008 monitoring (without coverage included in the Income Statements and greater coverage for 2008) shows that the deficits of the central-southern regions (including Lazio) are 3,265.3 billion, equal to 83.39% and that in southern Italy there are worrying situations excluded from the repayment plans, such as Calabria (159.7 million euros) and Puglia (211.6 million euros) (both, among other things, involved in judicial investigations into alleged malfeasance in healthcare). However, it is feared that the emerging deficits are largely due to default". Furthermore, it is found that "in Northern Italy (albeit covered in a planned manner and by taxation and by regional budget manoeuvres) there are situations which (if not corrected) can become critical such as that of Piedmont (-363 million) and Veneto (-201.2 million). The figure - it should be noted - assumes worrying dimensions not only in terms of expenditure entity, but also in terms of dynamics which proceeds, in recent years at a rate from 4% to 6% depending on the Regional realities, far above inflation and GDP. This effect could be devastating in 2010 in the presence of a sharp incremental drop in resources allocated to healthcare (ordinary current funding, 2009 102,683 million, 2010 103,945 million) as a result of the well-known serious general crisis" . Calabria is the central-southern region that does worse if one evaluates the 'quality' of assistance" in the centre-south: this is what emerges from a confidential document drawn up by the Ministry of Welfare and which analyzes the situation of the health sector in the center-south. The result emerges by comparing two indices: that of 'attraction' and that of 'escape'. "A very elementary parameter relating to the interregional mobility of patients was used – it is explained – interpreted as liking or dissatisfaction with services offered inside or outside the region". Attraction index for Calabria is only 2.92 while that of 'escape' is 14.86 (with a balance equal to -11.94). distance but always with the minus sign, Puglia and Campania: the balance is respectively -4.46 and -4.14.Molise, on the other hand, is expected at 1.29: the region, it is highlighted, has a strong index of attraction (23.8) because alongside "a public system in deficit there is the presence of excellent hospitals, above all private". The same reasoning is valid, it is added, for Rome and Abruzzo. CAMPANIA AND MOLISE COMMISSIONERATE The Council of Ministers has decided on the commissioning of the health system in Campania and Molise, entrusting the |
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