AGI) - Rome, Nov. 3 – National strike of doctors on Wednesday 16 December called by the trade union organizations Anaao, Assomed, Cimo, Aaroi-Emac, Fesmed, Anpo, Nuova Ascoti, Fials medico, Fassid, Fp Cgil medico, Cisl medico, Intesa sindacale, Uil medico, Fvm, Fimmg, Sumai, Snami, Smi, Fimp, Andi and Fespa, who herald the intention of "identifying a second day on the earliest possible date" and wanting to "activate further initiatives".
Land trade union organizations denounce, "in a unified manner, the serious and lasting inconvenience caused to citizens by policies oriented exclusively to the accounting management of the NHS, with the sole objective of economic savings, less and less linked to the obligation to respond to their welfare needs according to principles of equity, justice and security. And they stigmatize the mortification of the role, autonomy and responsibilities of doctors, whose professional exercise of guarantee is intimidated and limited by rules and bureaucracy, the subordination of the value of the work of professionals working in the NHS to the logic of accounts, the absence of national policies in favor of a homogeneous enforceability of the right to health protection throughout the country”. The doctors' unions ask the "government and the Regions to pay attention to the health of citizens and awareness of the heavy and negative repercussions on waiting lists, on the integration of the hospital into the territory, on working conditions, on the quality and safety of care, on the existing inequality in the enforceability of the right to health and in the levels of taxation, which derive from a progressive impoverishment of the public service. And to put an end to the intolerable 'witch hunt' which provides, panacea for every problem related to the provision of health services, always and only sanctions and fines for doctors, scapegoats for the faults of political decision-makers and short-sighted and inadequate administrators " .
According to the doctors' unions: "A level of financing of the health service lower than needs, and lower than what was previously established by the government and the Regions, represents the antechamber of a further rationing of services which contributes to a blockage of turnover which, regardless of the shortage of expected in the coming years, thanks to the demographic hump, puts the minimum levels of service at risk, worsens working conditions and forces young people to emigrate or adapt to a stable precarious situation.
While the reduction in the cost of personnel pushes for the dismissal of precarious workers in fundamental sectors, such as the emergency room, the de facto extension of the freeze on contracts and agreements, which has been in place for 6 years, and of the ancillary salary, increases the loss of the power to purchase of salaries, prevents legitimate career expectations and the payment of night shifts and holidays. The persistent absence of a reform of primary care, aimed at strengthening the continuity of care, accentuates the isolation of the hospital and its role as a social shock absorber".
Tuesday 03 November 2015 – AGI.it
Related news: FIMMG press release. National strike on Wednesday 16 December 2015
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