Healthcare, pharmaceutical companies between congresses and free samples. Shall we put order?

In a period of recession, which has lasted for decades for our country, it becomes essential to allocate resources well without wasting what is inevitably poured on the consumer. This even more must be kept in mind by everyone, starting with the doctors, when spending must be done by citizens to maintain health or fight disease.

I made a proposal some time ago to limit the number of congresses almost always sponsored by pharmaceutical companies: only one congress per year for specialist companies with online connection. Physical movement of doctors who have something new to say, but above all to teach "in the field", to their hospital colleagues in other cities.

A desire to teach, and to learn, more in touch with reality and less with fantasy of often "invented" but always "sponsored" scientific works: doctors, employees of the national system, are paid and hosted to teach new techniques, new investigations and therapies then collected annually in a streaming congress. You become the real sponsor, without spending and without useless CME (Continuing Medical Education), for the requalification of the system. You leave the money for research uselessly spent on teaching how to treat always in "splendid settings" to pharmaceutical companies.

In the same way, I believe the law should be re-regulated delivery of free samples. Very limited products in dosage with useless waste of equal quantities of paper and plastic. Difficult disposal of resources often with short expirations. Let's cancel the delivery of it because a drug must not "be tried" but used after the study of scientific works about it.

In my opinion, medicines must not be exposed as if to a market where, for example, the more than two hundred molecules of "artificial tears", many of which are admitted as medical devices and therefore paid for by the community, are passed off as better only because they have one ml more or a few cents less. Pharmaceutical companies, but above all doctors, can no longer reduce health and disease to "screamed" junk as was the case in the enclosures of the stock exchanges. Let's put things in order and ask the Order of Doctors to adopt these proposals to heal a sick system.

Domenico de Felice – Il Fatto Quotidiano – 19 marzo 2018

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