A real strap-on that is alarming the trade unions and beyond. The cuts designed by the government to be able to raise money without putting their hands in the wallets of Italians are really scary for almost everyone.
There spending Review it could make "dozens of victims" starting with the already battered justice system passing from health care and ending up with the public sector and civil servants who will become fewer and fewer in the coming months. The cuts will spare nothing or anyone and if justice has to say goodbye to over 280 offices (including courts, prosecutors and branch offices), healthcare will have to give up the beauty of 8.5 billion euros in three years (one billion this year).
In particular, for healthcare, the plan provides for the closure of some institutions, a reduction in the ceiling on pharmaceutical spending, goods and services and a cut in waste with the arrival of personalized doses for patients. Civil servants, on the other hand, begin to tremble after the confirmation of a maxi redundancy of about ten thousand units. Also confirmed is a cut in meal vouchers (from 7.8 euros to 5), territorial reorganization, layoffs and early retirement.
On the other hand, the risk of a cut to the thirteenth salary was averted. The news will be made official over the weekend.
Jul 3, 2012