Lamezia Terme, July 26. – (Adnkronos) – "The provision of the Regional Council relating to the regulation of scientific information on medicines, to which a press release from the Slf-Cobas union refers, will be fully operational as soon as the bureaucratic procedure is completed". The clarification comes from the regional councilorship of Calabria for Health.
"The executive - reads a statement - as announced in recent days by the councilor's staff through an official press release, has implemented the resolution presented by the health councilor of the Calabria region, Doris Lo Moro. The slight delay complained of by the union - it should be noted - is due to a formal modification to the text, necessary from a technical point of view, but irrelevant from a substantial point of view, once completed the measure will be published in the official bulletin of the Region. The considerations, the doubts, the questions reported in the union statement - concludes the statement of the councilorship - therefore have no reason to exist ".
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