The uncontrolled growth of costs has stopped, but the trend has not yet been reversed. Costs for personnel, goods and services weigh. Almost 2,000 euros are spent for each assisted person. Minister Lorenzin: "Resources cut should be used for health"
MILAN – The uncontrolled rise in healthcare spending has been blocked, but the interventions carried out "are not yet capable of favoring the downsizing". Above all, the costs for personnel, for goods and services weigh heavily. The average cost of patients is growing, reaching 1,914 euros per patient. The analysis of the Italian healthcare system comes from the Court of Auditors, which in its judgment on the general state account for 2012 recalls: "Because of its layout and the methods of organization, the system undoubtedly requires the availability of huge resources to maintain the levels essential assistance".
Despite having been the recipient of numerous expenditure containment provisions in recent years, the incidence on GDP is confirmed at 7.3% and "leads us to believe that the interventions carried out, albeit incisive, have mostly managed to avoid an uncontrolled increase of costs, but are not yet able to favor their reduction.Health care therefore represents an area of intervention that "requires a strong commitment of resources" with "many and complex" critical aspects.
Just today, the Minister of Health, Beatrice Lorenzin, he told SkyTg24 that in recent years many funds have been cut from healthcare but there is still a lot of room for eliminating waste. However, the minister underlined that the recovered resources "must be invested in health care for advanced treatments and prevention. I told Minister Saccomanni immediately from the first day - Lorenzin underlined - that the national health system could no longer accept linear cuts. the most attacked and known one. Today we are in a phase of control because we have fallen below the trends. Today you can still save in healthcare by doing governance in the territories and reprogramming healthcare spending. This money must be reinvested in healthcare to guarantee innovative medicines, technologically advances, prevention and enhancement of local medicine".
According to the first final data, the total resources purchased last year amounted to 112.6 billion (one percentage point less than in 2011), which compared to the general volume of expenditure, settling at 113.7 billion, entails a total national deficit of the sector equal to 1 billion, the result so far the lowest in recent years, with a negative balance entirely borne by the regions and autonomous provinces.
83% of the loan is charged to taxation, and comes from VAT (53 billion) from Irap and from regional Irpef surcharges (40). The remaining 17% comes from