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San Marino. General practitioners: we are not oversized


Already from the next session, the State Congress will begin to give substance to the Spending review

The waste highlighted by the Spending review does not lurk in general medicine. We are in line with European parameters, write the San Marino doctors, who write down the 70,000 outpatient visits, the over 2,000 at home. The service guarantees 60,000 outpatient nursing services - they continue - and 15,000 home care services. Not to mention the tens of thousands of medico-legal reports and tens of thousands of recipes. These are important numbers for a reality of 33,000 inhabitants, which is why they wanted to meet the health secretary, worried that the ax of the spending review will fall right on them. The 19 professionals are interested in rationalizing the services provided and are calling for measures that help citizens avoid waste, overlapping and improper use of services. "We are not against – says the director of the operating unit Tiziano Bugli – a possible contribution from citizens for medicines, laboratory tests and specialist services. It would have an educational and responsible effect". And quite a few citizens would be willing to pay even just a few euros to guarantee a system that for over 50 years has guaranteed everyone's access to health services and health protection. This is why they are worried about the indiscriminate cuts in healthcare, receiving reassurances from Mussoni [photo], who asked general practice for a reorganization plan to be submitted to him at the beginning of September. "We are working hard on it", assures Dr. Bugli.


Wednesday 31 July 2013  

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