(AGENPARL) - Rome, May 8 - The Tar agrees with the free pharmaceutical market and another boulder falls on the health spending review. The administrative court of Lazio ordered the annulment of the list of reference prices for medical devices, established by the supervisory authority of public contracts, as part of the measures to rationalize health care costs envisaged by the spending review decree. In particular, the Tar censured the methodology used to define the reference prices, identifying various reasons of illegitimacy. The administrative judges criticize the limited number of surveys carried out and the consequent poor representativeness of the sample and the incorrect use of the national classification of medical devices. In doing so, the reference price could be compared with the individual devices and with the concrete characteristics of the individual tenders, such as the associated and ancillary services, the quantities of supplies, the payment methods and the duration of the contracts. In short, the regions and local health authorities would have been forced differently to buy products at very low prices, absolutely unsustainable for businesses, also penalizing the offer of public health services.
(AGENPARL) - Rome, May 8 - Assobiomedica welcomes the decision of the Lazio Regional Administrative Court to reject the imposition desired by the spending review decree regarding drug prices. “The Tar's decision is of great importance for the entire sector – declared the president