«Federanziani appeals to Napolitano and Berlusconi to ask AIFA to solve the problem of generic medicines, for which citizens are asked to pay a ticket. I agree, this is a real gabelle that weighs on the shoulders of poor people». So the president of Tuscany Enrico Rossi (photo) on the appeal launched by the association to the President of the Republic and the Head of Government. «For this» continues Rossi «I intervened with a resolution that avoids this heavy tax for Tuscan citizens by allocating 400 thousand euros. After my complaint, Aifa released unconvincing assurances, and immediately after Farmindustria cried misery, stating that pharmaceutical companies are struggling to keep going». «Those who really struggle» says the president «are the sick who have to bear additional expenses without even being informed». «The citizen continues to be treated as a subject» concludes Rossi «and the ticket is introduced surreptitiously and on the sly. Where were the government and the minister when AIFA made this decision? And how was AIFA able to claim this decision without first verifying the willingness of the pharmaceutical industries to reduce the price and without informing either the Government or the Regions?».
DoctorNews – April 21, 2011