DRUGS still valid but no longer used because the treatment is not good or because the patient has died can be recovered and reused.
This is foreseen in a regional directive proposed by the councilor for health Claudio Montaldo, in implementation of the provisions of the 2008 budget law. The packages of medicines can be delivered to non-profit organizations that have humanitarian or health care purposes. «The directive – explains Montaldo – provides that the packages are taken over by a doctor of the structure or organization concerned to verify their integrity and keep them. The same rules will also be applied to medicines containing narcotic or psychotropic substances. To make the law operational, Montaldo wrote a letter to all the healthcare companies in Liguria asking them to provide for the reuse of medicines through adequate information to their clients and to interested organizations on the opportunities offered by the finance law. Montaldo also asked the Local Health Authorities to disclose the list of organizations to which unused medicines can be returned.
The Republic of 09/08/2008 ed. Genoa p. 05