Historical Archive

Recovery for the drug. Scaccabarozzi: after foolish maneuvers, stability is urgently needed

"The story of Amedeo Bianco, elected senator and still at the top of Fnomceo and the Order of Turin, is unsustainable in the eyes of public opinion". With these words begins a letter that Except Cali (photo), general secretary of the Italian doctors' union sent to all the presidents of the medical orders. The invitation to resign, which Calì had already advanced at the time in which Bianco was a candidate on the Democratic Party lists, is not a question of form, but of substance: this is «the symbol of a ruling class that appears, rightly or wrong, greedy for offices and emoluments. Not understanding it in this historical context is worrying, because it is the demonstration of the distance of the top of the category from reality". Therefore, compliance with the statutory rules is not invoked, but the emphasis is placed on the crux of conflicts of interest and it is asked to avoid the overlapping of offices between trade union roles, orders and with the Enpam. «It is not appropriate and it is not correct - Calì specifies - that a president of the order is also secretary of a trade union as well as manager of doctors' pensions (or real estate funds), just as a senator in Parliament cannot represent the category, as if we were still in the Chambers of Corporations of the Fascist period». In recent years, ordinal institutions have come under attack from many quarters. "However - says the Smi secretary - the orders resist and, for better or for worse, continue to carry out their work". Of course, the hesitations and silences that Calì detects on the part of the Fnomceo in events such as the one in which Fimmg sponsored mineral water brands, in "clear violation of the code of ethics", do not help. With regard to the debate, judged Manichean, for or against the orders, the SMI expresses "a strong unease, convinced on the one hand of the usefulness of a subsidiary system of self-government such as that represented by the registers, on the other of the need for a strong modernization », starting from the reform of the electoral and institutional mechanism and the insufficient capacity for deontological and training control of the members.

May 16th 2013 – DoctorNews33





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