The cancellation of the previous one and the new enactment were made necessary after the review of the 2010 territorial pharmaceutical expenditure, which showed that there was no overrun of the ceiling limit of 13.3% on the National Health Fund. Here is the new text.
20 JUN – New for the pharmaceutical shopping shelf. Following the numerous appeals presented by the Pharmaceutical Companies opposing the Aifa determination of February 7, 2012 (GU n.33 of 02/09/2012), subsequently amended by Aifa determination of February 27, 2012 (GU n.50 of 29-2-2012), containing: "Shelf of the breakthrough of the pharmaceutical expenditure ceiling for the year 2010", and the Sentences of the Lazio Regional Administrative Court, section III Quater, dated 29 March 2012, 18 and 30 April 2012, 16 May 2012 which had led to the suspension of these determinations, in fact, AIFA proceeded to review the 2010 territorial pharmaceutical expenditure by updating the monitoring of pharmaceutical expenditure and compliance with the planned ceiling of territorial pharmaceutical expenditure, relating to the January-December 2010 period.
The consequence was the annulment of the previous Determination and the issuing, by Aifa, of a new determination (dated 15 June 2012). A provision made necessary by the various results on the results of pharmaceutical expenditure that emerged during the audit.
In summary, AIFA explains in a note, a level of national expenditure for territorial pharmaceuticals of 13,941 million euros was detected (equal to 13.28% of the health requirement), equivalent to an absolute surplus of -24.0 million euros compared to the ceiling of 13.3% (13,965 million euros). The data, therefore, testify that in 2010 there was no breach of the planned pharmaceutical spending ceiling. Which in the determination of 7 February had instead been quantified at 23,035,247 euros, the shelf of which had been placed at the expense of pharmaceutical companies for 17,115,649 euros and at the expense of wholesalers and pharmacists for the remaining 5,919,598