Approved by the House, after the green light from the Senate, the law that restores the Ministry of Health, but with some restrictions. All chapters relating to health spending, including the repayment plans of the Regions, will depend on the Treasury; the Ministry of Health will always have to act in concert with that of the Economy as regards the coordination and monitoring of regional health technical activities and the organization of health services. With the provision, the total number of Government members will rise from 60 to 63 (Minister of Health and two Undersecretaries) and the cost of the unpacking operation is estimated at 920,000 euros per year. At the head of the new Ministry perhaps Ferruccio Fazio, now Deputy Minister of Welfare, but the hypothesis of a reshuffle of the Government team linked to the candidacies for the 2010 Regionals is not excluded.
The Messenger Pag.11 – 12/11/2009