The regulations on the health system, in particular the innovations introduced in the writing of prescriptions and in the prescription of equivalent drugs, are still quite obscure to citizens. As Federconsumatori has decided to launch an information campaign in its offices and at health facilities to give citizens useful information for orientation. That the news have been the subject of discussion and ambiguity, had already emerged in recent months: the confusion was considerable and in September the Ministry of Health decided to put online all the indications for writing prescriptions by doctors and their "reception" by pharmacists.
For Federconsumatori, citizens are still confused. "In these 13 months of the Monti government, heavily marked by the economic crisis, public health has had to undergo drastic cuts in resources, which have called into question the universality of the National Health System - says the association - In addition, the regulations relating to the healthcare, especially those on the obligation to indicate the active principle in the prescriptions of generic medicineshave been modified several times. From the numerous reports recorded by our offices, it emerges that the ideas of many citizens in this regard are rather confused, also due to the lack of information from the Ministry of Health".
The association therefore reiterates in three points which are the main guidelines to follow in the prescription of the active ingredient of the equivalent medicinal product.
- A doctor who treats a patient for the first time, for a chronic disease or for a new episode of non-chronic disease for the treatment of which more equivalent drugs are available, is required to indicate the active ingredient of the medicine in the recipe. In these cases, therefore, the prescription in which the active ingredient is not indicated is not valid.