Rebus ticket-specialist: canceled only with a new Pact - Regions in the trenches
No cuts to the health sector in 2009; cuts of 5 billion between 2010 and 2011 to curb the growth trend in spending; transfusion of 4.6 billion to offset everything. And the failure (for now) to cover the tickets for visits and analyzes which the former Prodi government had promised to definitively cancel, destined instead to translate into a new burden of 834 million entirely borne by the Regions, which are announcing a battle. This is the essential profile of the maneuver in the Health chapter, which will also have to find regulatory support in a new pact under discussion since July. The package also includes bureaucratic simplifications (fewer certificates) and the reorganization of supervised entities, Aifa in the lead. And for doctors, ambivalent news: there is money for conventions; working hours remain the loose cannon in confrontation with management. And in the autumn it will be the delegated provision on federalism that will cause the most discussion. Il Sole 24 Ore Sanita' of 26/06/2008 N. 25 24-30 JUNE 2008 p. 1