Veneto region. ISF vaccination from March 15th

Il Direttore Generale Area Sanità e Sociale invita le strutture sanitarie regionali ad indicare settimanalmente il programma vaccinale rivolto alla popolazione target ricorrendo a tutto il vaccino disponibile in base alle forniture settimanali e garantendo l’attività a pieno regime di tutti Centri di Vaccinazione di Popolazione per tutti i giorni della settimana. A supporto delle attività vaccinali dovrà essere coinvolto ulteriore personale proveniente da qualsiasi altro servizio.

Pharmaceutical Representatives have been included in phase 1A

Phase 1.A – healthcare facility operators, operators and guests of local social and healthcare facilities

Phase 1.A provides for the completion, by the second week of February, of the vaccination cycle of all subjects who have already received the first administration. For all other subjects of this target population, the first dose must be scheduled starting from 08 February 2021.

The vaccination campaign in this phase will be aimed at the following target populations:

  1. operators of all four roles (health, professional, technical and administrative) of the structures of the Regional Health Service network (including accredited private structures);
  2. health workers in private facilities;
  3. guests and health and non-health workers of the local social-health structures. With reference to residential facilities for the elderly and non self-sufficient, the vaccination cycle must be completed for all new entries
  4. health personnel of other public administrations (e.g. INPS, INAIL).

To consult the details of the categories and professional figures included in this phase, click HERE. It should be noted that the professional figures listed in the annex must be added Scientific Representatives and Product Specialists, for which vaccination is scheduled from March 15, 2021.

Healthcare workers who have started the vaccination cycle in other Regions/Autonomous Provinces (e.g. Doctors in Specialist Training) and who currently work within the Veneto Region can complete the vaccination cycle at the Veneto Regional Health Service.

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