The Councilor for Hygiene and Health and Social Assistance recalls that, in order to implement the measures to contain the Covid-19 infection on the regional territory, with resolution no. 11/16 of 11.3.2020, the Regional Council suspended the activity of medical-scientific information and the promotion of products for medical use in healthcare facilities (hospitals, doctor's surgeries, professional offices and pharmacies) until 30 April 2020, suspension extended until 31 May 2020 with the resolution of the Regional Council n. 23/16 of 29.4.2020.
With the decree-law n. 33 of 16 May 2020, "Further urgent measures to deal with the epidemiological emergency from Covid-19", and the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 17 May 2020, "Implementing provisions of the decree-law of 25 March 2020, n. 19, containing urgent measures to deal with the epidemiological emergency from Covid-19, and of the decree-law of 16 May 2020, n. 33, containing further urgent measures to deal with the epidemiological emergency from Covid-19", the resumption of most of the production activities and the movement of citizens within the regional territory was allowed from 18 May 2020.
With resolution no. 23/16 of 29.4.2020, the Regional Council authorized the resumption of information activities "in person" at the professional offices/clinics of specialists, general practitioners (GPs) and pediatricians of free choice (PLS), exclusively after an agreed appointment, in order to avoid the stop of scientific representatives of the drug (PHS), other users or patients in the waiting areas, still suspending the activity of the ISFs within the hospital structures until the end of the health emergency , specifying that information to hospital healthcare professionals can be carried out remotely.
The Regional Council, with resolution no. 28/18 of 4.6.2020, approved the guidelines for the rescheduling of outpatient activities, planned hospitalization and the regional guidelines for the protection of the safety of users, operators and citizens who attend the social and health care facilities and those referred to in art. 3, letters b), c) and d), of the DPReg. no. 4/2008 (Annex B).
The Councilor, having taken note of the positive regional epidemiological picture with a number of infections close to zero, proposes to allow access for scientific representatives of the drug, who are required to comply with the provisions/protocols and the "Guidelines for the reopening of Economic and Productive Activities" approved by the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces, pursuant to art. 1, paragraph 14, of the decree law n. 33/2020 and attached to the ordinance of the President of the Region of 2 June 2020, n. 27, also to hospital facilities.
Access to hospital structures can only take place after making an appointment with the healthcare operator who must notify the hospital's medical management.
The meetings must take place in specially identified spaces, access to the wards and/or in areas common to patients is not permitted under any circumstances.
The company health management must identify specific protocols/paths for carrying out the medical-scientific information activity within the hospital structures. The protocols/routes must be consistent with the provisions for the prevention of the Covid-19 infection and with the resolution of the Regional Council n. 51/21 of 12.18.2019, "Guidelines and directives on the activity of medical and scientific information on drugs".
The Regional Council, having heard the proposal of the Councilor for Hygiene, Health and Social Assistance, having seen the favorable opinion of legitimacy expressed by the Director General of Health on the proposal in question
- – to authorize the resumption of medical and scientific information activities also within hospital structures;
- – to establish that each Company Health Management must identify specific protocols/paths for carrying out the medical-scientific information activity in hospital structures. The activity of the ISFs can only be carried out by making an appointment with the healthcare operator, who must notify the hospital's medical management. During the meetings, the ISFs are required to comply with the protocols/routes and with the "Guidelines for the reopening of Economic and Productive Activities" approved by the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces, pursuant to art. 1, paragraph 14, of the decree law n. 33/2020, and attached to the ordinance of the President of the Region of 2 June 2020, n. 27. The information meetings must take place in spaces specially identified by the Medical Directorate of the unit and in no case is access to the wards and in areas common to patients allowed. The protocols/paths identified by the Health Departments must be consistent with the provisions for the prevention of the Covid-19 infection and with the resolution of the Regional Council n. 51/21 of 12.18.2019, "Guidelines and directives on the activity of medical and scientific information on drugs".
Read Confirmed and signed