Finally, the Emilia Romagna Region is willing to meet Fedaiisf regarding the regional regulation on scientific information.
The meeting has been proposed for Tuesday morning 30 July in the presence of Dr. Valentina Solfrini, Head of the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Area of the Territorial Assistance Service.
In the message that has come down to us is "anticipated that, in order to resume a dialogue in order to review the regional legislation on scientific information after an initial period of application, there is the intention to arrange a meeting” with the trade association of scientific representatives “after the summer break and therefore this preliminary meeting would be a useful opportunity for discussion“.
We will draw Dr. Solfrini's attention to the critical issues generated by the regional resolution on scientific information and the distorted application of the regulations that derive from it of the various AUSLs and hospitals and the questionable "computerized register".
It is good to reiterate that Fedaiisf is not against a regulation as long as it is concretely applicable to the work of the ISF.
Already on 24 June 2017 there had been a meeting between the ISFs and Dr. Petropulacos, Director General of Health and Welfare of the Emilia Romagna Region. Even then, all the critical aspects of the regulation and its local applications had been manifested. Unfortunately it had been a facade meeting and all the problems raised had fallen on deaf ears.
Despite everything, we will present ourselves to the proposed meeting with confidence, in the belief that if we are willing to learn about the work of the ISF (and not eliminate it) we can reach an agreement on a regulation that can reconcile both the needs of the SSR and the working needs of the ISFs.
When we met some "advisers" of the ANAC, we warned them, telling them that with those guidelines for the prevention of corruption they blocked the ISF and paved the way for a whole series of unidentified figures whose existence they did not even know . They replied that they had drawn up some "advice", the problem we raised was how they were translated into local realities.
The rules are fine, but we need to think about the rules “without the prejudice of the crime. The rules are made to measure for a country, for companies and honest people, they are not made thinking only of the corrupt".
Editorial – 26 July 2019
Related news:
Indications_applications_ISF – Reg. ER Annex 1
Public Assembly of the ISF in Bologna. Videos of all speeches