We report that part of the Basilicata Region Vaccination Plan which concerns the target of operators to be vaccinated. Click to read the entire document HERE
Subject: Measures for the prevention and management of the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19. Phase 2- Anti SARS-COV2/COVID19 Vaccination Plan
The population target identified for the anti SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 vaccination is the one indicated in the aforementioned ministerial note which literally quotes: "Considering the initial availability of a limited number of doses, in this first phase of the anti vaccination campaign - SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 will operate with the aim of maximizing the result, concentrating resources on the protection of personnel dedicated to dealing with the pandemic emergency and on the most fragile subjects (health and social health workers and staff and guests of residential facilities for the elderly). With the increase in the availability of vaccines, the vaccination of the other categories at risk will proceed with the vaccination of the general population (see Strategic Plan for the Vaccination against SARS-COV-2/COVID-I9).'”
Therefore, on the basis of these indications, the following priority classes are identified:
1) Health and social care personnel working in hospitals starting from UU.OO. of Emergency Department, infectious diseases, Pneumology, Intensive Care, Covid Departments, then continuing with the health and social health workers of all UU.OO. hospital.
2) Health and social-health personnel belonging to the Territorial Services starting with: Territorial Emergency Service 118), US Covid 19 and Hygiene and Public Health, subsequently continuing with all the other health and social-health operators belonging to all the Territorial Services.
3) Health, social and health personnel and other assistance personnel in RSA and social welfare structures.
4) Inpatients and guests of RSA and social welfare structures.
5) General Practitioners and Paediatricians of Free Choice.
Finally, considering the limited number of vaccines that will arrive in this region and throughout Italy, as confirmed in the recent videoconference between the state and the regions, it should be noted that only when the vaccination of all the operators who have expressed their adherence to the vaccination campaign belonging to the aforementioned categories has been completed, will it be possible to proceed with the vaccination of the following categories should any stocks arise.
1) Professional, Technical and Administrative Staff of ASP, ASM, AOR S.Carlo and IRCSS-CROB.
2) External staff (including ipharmaceutical informants) who operate in any capacity at ASP, ASM, AOR S.Carlo and IRCSS-CROB.
It will be the responsibility of the General and Health Directorates to ensure absolute and rigorous compliance with the above priorities.