There is also the regional councilor Crea
In handcuffs Alessandro and Giuseppe Marcianò, two defendants for the murder of Francesco Fortugno
REGGIO CALABRIA - Eighteen people, including the regional councilor Domenico Crea, were arrested on the orders of the Reggio Calabria district anti-mafia directorate as part of an operation called Honored health care. The measures were carried out at dawn by the carabinieri of the provincial command of Reggio Calabria. A total of 44 people are being investigated and those arrested include elements belonging to the gang of the boss Giuseppe Tiradritto Morabito.
FORTUGNO CRIME – The restrictive measure also affected Alessando Marcianò and his son Giuseppe, two of the defendants for the crime of the vice president of the regional council Francesco Fortugno, which took place in Locri on 16 October 2005. According to the indictment, the Marcianòs (their son is among the killers) allegedly had Fortugno killed to favor the return to the regional council of Mimmo Crea, the first of the non-elected members of the Margherita party (but he never joined the Democratic Party). Among those affected by the pre-trial detention orders issued by the investigating judge of Reggio Calabria, there is also Antonio Crea, 29, son of the regional councilor Domenico and medical director of the private clinic Ania of Melito Porto Salvo, which has been placed under seizure. All the suspects will have to answer for a mafia-type criminal association operating in the public health sector. From courier.it