“Because being 'employees of drug companies they are prisoners of all kinds of pressure. The latest legislative decree confuses scientific information with advertising'” said the national president of Aiisf (Italian association of drug sales representatives)
Within a company "they should answer to the Scientific Service, instead they depend on the Marketing Service", thus resulting in 'prisoners' of "all kinds of pressure".
Angelo DeRita, national president of Aiisf (Italian association of drug sales representatives), thus comments on the accusations against the 18 informants investigated as part of the operation by the Guardia di Finanza in Milan which led to the arrest of three executives of the Italian group Recordati. "This pains me a lot - explains De Rita - considering that we have always fought so that the category of whistleblowers can affirm their professional dignity". But "we are also deeply disappointed by the institutions, in particular by the Italian Medicines Agency (Aifa) and by the previous government", he specifies.
From the new government, "we ask for ad hoc legislation, correctness and consistency", is the appeal of the AIISF number one. “The legislative decree with which the past legislature transposed a community directive – protests De Rita – in fact absurdly confuses scientific information and advertising. And we don't understand how the director of AIFA can allow it ”, he concludes.