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PHARMACEUTICAL PRESS REVIEW from 6 to 8 November of AboutPharma

PHARMACEUTICAL PRESS REVIEW from 6 to 8 November of AboutPharma
"'Illegitimate dismissal', Azzaretti appeals to the judge"



(Corriere della Sera Milan page 12 – 8 November 2007)



Following the approval of his dismissal by the Board of Directors of the S. Matteo Polyclinic in Pavia, the former General Manager Giovanni Azzaretti opened a labor lawsuit against the Hospital Foundation reiterating that in his opinion 'the measure is illegitimate and devoid of any foundation in fact and in law'. 'To protect my honourability, professionalism and correctness – he reiterated – I am forced to sue the President and the Councilors who voted for the measure in court so that justice can finally be done to me'.







"European agreement on leukemia"



(Nòva 24: page 3 – 8 November 2007)



European Leukemia Net (ELN), founded by the VI Framework Program of the European Community, has signed an agreement with Novartis with the aim of setting new standards in the management and treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). The Swiss company will pay 14 million euros over the next 3 years. The project involves 133 research centers using an initial registry of 4,000 patients.







Financial, coverage on tickets found



(Il Sole 24 Ore: page 3, Liber page 11, Corriere della Sera: page 8, Il Messagger page 7, la Repubblica: page 9 – 8 November 2007)



The Senate Budget Commission has resolved the issue of coverage for the abolition of the 10 euro co-payment on specialist and diagnostics. After the perplexities shown by the State General Accounting Office regarding part of the planned resources (834 million euros), coverage was found. The Budget Commission has identified the new resources, cutting the expenditure of the Ministries.







Lombardy: additional IRPEF tax and health ticket for 400 million euros



(Il Sole 24 Ore: page 3, Il Messagger page 7, Liber page 1, Corriere della Sera: page 11, Corriere della Sera Milan page 1, la Repubblica Milan: page I – 8 November 2007)



The Lombardy Region Council yesterday approved the €400 million financial maneuver which provides for the reduction of the regional IRPEF surtax and the abolition of the €10 regional co-payment on specialist outpatient services. From 1 December 2007, therefore, the regional ticket of 10 euros will no longer be paid, while the 36 euro ticket imposed by state law will remain in force. The maneuver was made possible thanks to the freeing up of budget resources linked to the Health chapter.







"Council of Ministers, examination of NHS regulations on Friday"



(Il Sole 24 Ore: page 30 – 8 November 2007)




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